A Bad Trip

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A/N I have never taken drugs. Um so I don't actually know what it's like and I am basing this on what I've heard. If you... if you've taken drugs um just tell me if I got anything wrong...

Dazai had a smile strapped on his face as he exited the alleyway.

In his pocket was a small syringe, one that would surely grant him his death!

He just hoped it would be as painless as he dreamed.

With that thought in mind he made his way back to his agency dorm.

When he finally made it he closed the door as silently as he could. He was going to die in peace. And he didn't want anyone to hear his last dying breaths.

Dazai shuffled toward his bed. The syringe ready for injecting.

With a quick tug Dazai tied his bolo tie near his elbow.

"All ready now!", Dazai chirped.

And with a sadly happy smile Dazai pushed the needle into his veins.

Atsushi and Kyouka knew that there would be some... problems when they lived next to Dazai.

From random bumps in the night to Chuuya's visits, ones which made Atsushi want to scream and Kyouka roll her eyes, they knew that it would be noisy.

But when they where getting ready for sleep they where rather surprised when a very loud bump was heard.

Kyouka titled her head in question. And Atsushi couldn't answer it.

Suddenly another bump was heard. This one a lot louder.

Atsushi let out a sigh. Probably another one of Dazai's suicide attempts.

"Send Nakahara a text, he'll probably want to drag Dazai back to his house", Atsushi muttered out. Kyouka nodded and sent a quick message to the red head.

"Are you going to check on him?", Kyouka asked.

Atsushi nodded.

After all, Dazai saved him so if the other is doing something deadly of course he's gonna intervine.

With that thought in mind, Atsushi yanked himself up from his futon and walked towards Dazai's apartment.

A knock was heard a few seconds later. Atsushi frowned when no one responded.

Usually Dazai would yell a "Come in!".

"Dazai?", Atsushi called out.

On the other side of the door a small giggle was heard, followed by a curse.

"Dazai, are you alright?".

A response was heard this time. But Atsushi didn't understand it. It just sounded like the other was signing made up words.

"Is he alright?", Kyouka called from there apartments doorway.

"I-I don't know. Dazai I'm coming in!".

There was no noise this time after that. So Atsushi pulled his foot up, and with all his might, he kicked at the door.

"Ow!", Atsushi exclaimed as he pulled back his foot, which was now throbbing.

Who knew the agency dorm doors where so strong.

"The hell are you doing?", a voice asked.

The two looked over to see the executive.

"D-Did you run here?", Atsushi stammered out.

"The fuck? No. I flew here", Chuuya hissed, "Also what happened to him?".

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