The Mark Of Love

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Kunikida and Dazai where, once again, on a mission.

That mission involved yet again chasing another loose cannoned ability user.

The ability user was one which will not be named.

One, because the writer can not think of a good name.

And two, because it doesn't really add much to the story.

But this ability users ability shall have a name.

The Mark of Love.

Very little was known about this ability. The agency only knew its title.

And they also knew that they should avoid it at all cost.

Reports have been said that whoever is hit with this ability gets a terrible fever along with other side affects.

It's been known to last a good week. From what the reports had said.

And neither Dazai or Kunikida wanted to deal with that. Especially for a week.

Dazai and Kunikida jumped over a trashcan that had been launched to the ground.

The culprit was getting away.

Another twist. And another.

The ability user was fast. Very fast. Kunikida was surprised that Dazai could keep up. Considering all he did was lay around on the sofa.

The culprit took another turn.

One that was a mistake.

Turns out, they didn't know Yokohama's alleyways well enough to predict a dead end.

They jumped back when Kunikida and Dazai appeared.

"S-Stay back!", they hissed as the raised there hand.

Kunikida and Dazai looked at each other. There eyes then shifted back to them.

"Listen", Kunikida said dryly, "Just come with us. I don't really wanna drag you back to the cops kicking and screaming".

"And it's getting ahead of his busy schedule isn't it Kunikida!", Dazai added nonchalantly walking up to the ability user.


"What Kunikida?", Dazai whined as he got closer, "It's not as if it'll af-", Dazai was cut off when a hard slap was landed on his wrist.

Dazai looked down. A fierce glare stared back at him.

"You asked for it", they said.

And that was when Dazai realized this was going to be a tough week.

"So... he got in some shit again", Chuuya asked.

"Yes! Kunikida's close to breaking another one of his pens", Atsushi whimpered on the other side of the phone, "He had to drag the ability user to the police and drag back Dazai to the agency".

Chuuya hummed.

"I'll come and drag him back home".

"Oh thank you Chuuya! I don't know if Kunikida will be-", A hard snap was heard. One that sounded eerily like a pen. Atsushi let out a sigh.

"I'll be there soon", Chuuya replied.

Dazai was staring down at his wrist when Chuuya arrived.

Chuuya shot a look over towards the were tiger.

"He hasn't moved since he got here", Atsushi supplied.

"So wha-", Chuuya's sentence was cut off when Dazai quickly tackled him to the ground.

"Chuuya! Are you okay?", Atsushi exclaimed when they both hit the ground.

Chuuya clicked his tongue as he forced Dazai's head back.

And that was when Chuuya learned that Dazai was warm. Surprisingly warm.

So warm he could feel it through his gloves.

"Oi", Chuuya called, "How long does this last?".

"Um a week".


Chuuya whipped his sight back toward his partner.

Dazai's head was on his chest, the rest of his long body draped on the floor.

"Chuuya...", Dazai whispered again.

This time it sounded... pained?

Chuuya pulled Dazai's face up once again.

Chuuya didn't like what he saw.

Dazai's eyes where clouded. His cheeks where cherry red. And what bothered Chuuya most was that he was panting.

As if it hurt to breath.

"Where did you say he was hit?", Chuuya asked.

Atsushi looked towards Kunikida who was furiously writing in his journal.

"On his wrist", Kunikida managed to grit out. Barely looking at them. 

Chuuya didn't waste anytime when Kunikida gave him the knowledge.

"I'm taking him home".

"That's good!", Ranpo suddenly butted in.

Atsushi rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile that formed.

"Please take care of him Chuuya", Atsushi said when he turned back to the other.

"I will. But when he's better I'm gonna kick the shit outta him for pulling this stunt", Chuuya said as he pulled the brunette into his arms.

During this whole conversation Dazai was trying his best to figure out what was happening.

But so far his mind was no cooperating.

Pink hues and whites danced across his vision. His hands felt clammy. His face matched the color of a red apple.

And worst of all he felt positively awful.

"Chuuya...", he called out again. Since it was the only thought that came to mind.

His ears felt stuffed, but Chuuya's words washed in easily.

"You're okay Osamu. You'll be fine once we get home".

Dazai blinked sluggishly.


Since Chuuya was definitely the slug in this relationship.

But that didn't stop him from blinking slowly once more.

Chuuya didn't seem to mind. He knew the other was falling asleep.

He didn't mind at all.

Dazai did need the sleep.

"Shitty Dazai. Next time don't get hit with an ability you can't nullify", Chuuya huffed.

Dazai didn't respond.

"Shitty Dazai", Chuuya hissed once more.

Not even a rustle.

"I love you", Chuuya said. But quickly added a "Shitty Dazai", after.

Dazai let out a soft snore. Chuuya couldn't help but chuckle.

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