Waiting For A Prince In Another Life

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A/N This has nothing to do with cannon stuff that is mentioned in the manga or in the anime. I'm literally just doing this for fun.

Chuuya didn't know how he came across fairytales. All he knew was that there was always a princess out there. One that was hurt and needed saving.

One that was waiting for there prince.

Chuuya had and idea of what princes where.

They where handsome, royalty, strong, brave, and would always help there subjects. They would especially help there princess.

So when Chuuya saw a crying boy at the playground, he knew that he would have to be a prince.

Chuuya slowly walked up to the other. As he got closer he saw the other was covered in bandages.

Maybe that was why he was crying? Surely if he had all those bandages he must be in pain.

"Um, hello", Chuuya awkwardly said. The boys small cries suddenly stopped, but he still wouldn't look at the other.

Chuuya cleared his throat before saying, "My names Chuuya. Are you okay?".

The boy nodded. But still his shoulders hunched forward and his body still shook with small bursts of cries.

Chuuya frowned.

How would a prince comfort a princess?

Chuuya racked his brain for and idea. Anything to help the other.

"Oh I know!", Chuuya exclaimed.

The other finally looked up and tilted his head.

Chuuya ran towards the edge of the playground. With a quick yank he pulled out a few flowers.

He ran back towards the other and all but shoved them into his face.

"Pretty flowers to help you smile", Chuuya said.

The boy looked at him, then down towards the flowers.

Chuuya stood there. His face red. He never had a crush before, but as he stared down at the other he had to admit he was very pretty.

Even if he was a boy. Hopefully Kouyou will be okay with that.

Chuuya was pulled away from his thoughts when soft hands slowly pulled away the flowers.

"Th-thank you", the boy stuttered out. A small smile on his lips.

Chuuya decided that his small moment of embarrassment was worth seeing that smile.

"Can I ask why you where crying?", Chuuya asked.

The boy sniffled before saying, "I lost someone really important today and I-I got really sad".

Chuuya nodded in understanding. He then slowly sat down next to the other.

"Well... I'll stay with you until you feel better", Chuuya declared.

The boy frowned.

"Why? You just meet me".

Chuuya's confident smile was wiped off his face when the other asked that question.

It was true. But, even when the prince has barely meet the princess he can feel a connection.

Chuuya looked at the other. Even though they had barely meet, it felt as if they had known each other for a very long time.

Chuuya, instead of answering verbally, shrugged.

The other boy let out a small giggle.

"So even you don't know?".

"Nope! By the way, you didn't tell me your name".

The boy hummed.

"You're right. My names Dazai".

And that was when Chuuya suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

But he didn't understand why.

It felt like his chest suddenly hurt. One that he could only describe as getting punched. But Dazai didn't hit him.

Chuuya decided to ignore it.

"Well Dazai, nice to meet you".

Dazai nodded.

But, in Dazai's mind, he said "It's good to see you again Chibi".

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