Chuuya Just Being A Good Boyfriend I Guess

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The first inkling that showed something was wrong was at an agency party.

The party was for Kenji. The boy had just turned 15 and the office was filled with a whole array of foods.

Atsushi was having a blast. Turns out, Dazai had placed a special order of chazuke for him. And if that didn't make the weretiger happy Dazai wouldn't know what do to.

Dazai watched with a small smile as he watching the boy inhale almost all his food.

He slowly took another sip of his sake.

"Hey idiot! Eat something", Kunikida barked while he scooped more food onto his plate.

"Aw Kunikida are you worried?", Dazai sung with a smile.

"I just don't want to get knocked off schedule Dazai!", Kunikida huffed out. Dazai just nodded.

After all, the sake could hold him over until tomorrow.

Atsushi looked over towards his mentor. Even though his face was bulging from all the food he was able to speak.

"Dazai... did you eat anything today?", he managed to ask.

Dazai looked over towards his student. His smile growing in size but still not reaching his eyes.

"Why of course I have Atsushi! I am very responsible after all".

Atsushi rolled his eyes but didn't ask any further questions. And Dazai appreciated that.

For the rest of the party, Dazai slowly cradled his cup of sake in his hand.

And the agency noticed that it never changed to a plate of food.

The next day was just like any other.

Painfully ordinary.

"Dammit Dazai!", Kunikida hissed when he found a very adorable cat sticker on his book. Dazai tried to hold in his giggles.

"What Kunikida? It looks great. Really adds style to that boring old thing".

Kunikida gaped.

"How dare you call it old!".

Atsushi looked over at the duo. This agency was still crazy. Very much indeed.

Dazai said something else to the man before he launched up. A smile still on his face.

Atsushi couldn't help but also smile. It was rare to see one that got close to the brunettes eyes.

But that happiness was quickly washed away when Dazai's smile disappeared and instead was replaced by one that looked like surprise.

Suddenly Dazai swayed and tumbled to the ground.

Atsushi sprung up to help but Kunikida was quicker.

He quickly scooped the other into his arms and hauled him up. The rest of the agency watched in confusion as Kunikida carried him over to there small nursery.

Yosano was quick to follow.

The rest of the agency was left stunned.

What just happened?

After a few minutes of silence the agency heard Dazai exclaim, "I'm fine!".

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