A Stalker Pt. 2

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Chuuya was vibrating in his seat as he sat in the agency.

"What do you think Ranpo?", Atsushi asked.

Ranpo sighed, "Well, I know, that Dazai is being held at the edge of the city b-", "Then let's fucking go", Chuuya hissed jumping up from his seat.

"But!", Ranpo exclaimed, "This individual is deeply disturbed. If we try to go in with brute force he will take Dazai with him".

Chuuya clicked his tongue.

"I can control gravity".

"Yes you can", Ranpo agreed, "But what if this man has an ability?".

Chuuya stared at the other. Ranpo stared back. Well, maybe he was. Pretty hard to tell if Ranpo is even capable of seeing with his eyes closed all the time.

"Does he have one?", Atsushi asked, "You know, an ability?".

Ranpo nodded.

"Then what the fuck is it?".

"Don't expect me to know the name! All I know is that it can cancel out yours. He doesn't even have to touch you. All you have to do is get in a certain vicinity of that creep and your ability is gone", Ranpo explained.

Chuuya slowly took the information in. Dazai was stuck with this lunatic. And there was nothing he could do.

"Now I know what you are thinking there ugly hat man", Ranpo said. Chuuya glared at him and cracked his knuckles.

Ranpo just smiled.

"But do not fear, for I Ranpo, the best detective in the world is on your side!".

"So what are we doing?", Kunikida asked finally looking up from his paperwork.

Chuuya also wondered the same. Because what where they going to do to save his Dazai?

Dazai was sleeping peacefully as the man watched over him.

He had to admit, when he first saw Dazai there was not much that stood out. Apart from the bandages.

But as he looked closer he saw something beautiful.

Whenever he saw something beautiful he had to have it.

From flowers, to butterflies, to cats and dogs, to jewelry, and etc.

The list was endless.

But never before had the list contained a person.

The mans inner rambling was cut off when a small twitch ran through Dazai's fingers.

As if he was still trying to escape.

The man looked down at Dazai's thumbs. Luckily there was no bleeding. Bruising, yes, but at least his new addition to his collection was not producing the red liquid he hated.

The mans eyes then shifted to Dazai's bandages arms. He was dying to know what his under.

But at the same time he wanted to keep it a mystery.

The man sighed. He needed to move soon. Surely Dazai's coworkers would know something is amiss.

He quickly picked up Dazai, the man letting out a small sigh. As if he was comforted by the embrace.

The man felt his face flush.

"Don't worry Dazai. You can stay with me forever now".

But Dazai didn't hear the exchange of words. He didn't hear the man creeping outside. He didn't hear the man starting a car.

All Dazai heard was Chuuya's comforting voice. All Dazai felt was Chuuya's embrace.

A/N This is a work of pure fiction. The man is a work of fiction. He is not real. But yes, situations like this have happened in real life. I just wanted to remind my readers to be aware of such creeps as these. Be aware of your surroundings, who you are talking to on the internet, and stay safe.
I have also realized now that these certain chapters might give some people ideas. Do not act on them. If you are thinking of doing something along the lines of kidnapping or drugging someone go seek help.
I hope I have made myself clear since I do not know how impressionable my audience is.

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