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Kyouka was ecstatic when her birthday arrived. Especially now that she had people to celebrate it with.

Cake and treats lined the tables. Presents where wrapped. And best of all Poe let her carry Karl around. Not that he would say no of course.

Dazai, on the other hand, was surprisingly staying away from all the fun.

He already did everything he wanted to do. From teasing Kunikida, to trying to throw away Chuuya's hat, and many more antics that made the agency more lively.

As Dazai sipped a little bit more of his apple juice, since they weren't going to serve alcohol for Kyouka's birthday, Chuuya came bustling over.

"Here", the redhead said. Dazai looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

In his gloved hands where two plates of cake.

Dazai took one, but was then meet with the prospect that he had never had cake.

Sure, there where some birthdays back when he was in the mafia. But he never got to attend.

Those days where usually spent with Mori in his office.

Dazai felt a shiver run up his spine when he remembered those days. He hated those days.

"Aren't you gonna eat it?", Chuuya questioned from his side.

Chuuya had already eaten half of his slice.

"Is it good?".

Chuuya looked back at him. A confused expression on his face.

"Have you never had cake before?", Chuuya asked, "What about when you celebrated your birthday?".

Dazai shook his head, "I don't celebrate my birthday".

Why celebrate a birth of a demon?

Dazai was suddenly pulled away from his thoughts when a fork pecked at his closed lips.

A blush quickly formed on Chuuya's face when Dazai titled his head.

"Are you... feeding me?", Dazai asked with a smirk on his face.

"Shut the fuck up and eat it before I change my mind", was all Chuuya hissed.

Dazai smirked but graciously took a bite.

And Chuuya felt his heart break when he saw how surprised Dazai was by how it tasted.

It just hurt to know that Dazai had never experienced something so simple as cake.

Dazai didn't seem to see the sad far away look on his partners face. Instead, he was busy eating the rest of his slice.

It was really really good. Almost as good as crab.

When the plate was empty he turned to Chuuya and said, "Get me more".

Chuuya let out a yell before saying, "Get it yourself you lazy mummy!".

Kyouka couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Those two where always so loud when they where together.

Karl also joined in her rolling of the eyes.

But not because of Chuuya and Dazai.

He was just so done with Ranpo and Poe, who had mysteriously disappeared.

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