Black Nail Polish

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"Are you wearing nail polish?".

Chuuya looked up from his book towards Dazai who was staring intensely at his hands. 


"I asked, are you wearing nail polish?", Dazai repeated. 

Chuuya shifted his gaze to his hands. And low and behold dark black nail polish stood proudly on his nails. 

"Yeah, why? You got a problem with it?", Chuuya said with a glare. 

If Dazai had a problem with it Chuuya was ready to kick his bandage wasting ass out of his apartment. 

Dazai quickly shook his head no. 

"No! I just think... it's nice", Dazai admitted with a small pink tint to his face. 

Chuuya couldn't help but swoon on the inside. Dazai never used to get embarrassed about anything. Nothing at all! But now it's as if he can't even compliment the other without feeling butterflies flapping in his stomach. 

It was rather adorable. In Chuuya's opinion. 

"Really? Well I should paint them more often then".

After a small time of silence Dazai finally pipped up. 

"Can you paint mine?".

Chuuya barely heard it. It was so quiet that he was astounded that he could have even heard it. 

"You want me to paint your nails?".

Dazai scrunched his face up in annoyance, "Do I really have to keep repeating myself? I thought your canine ears could have picked up on it!".

Chuuya glared at the other before launching his poetry book towards the others face. 

"Ow! Rude chibi".

"I don't care! Now give me your hands before I change my mind", Chuuya hissed as he pushed himself up from his comfortable spot on the bed.

Dazai gasped. His gangly form quickly following after the shorter man. 

"Chuuya! You'll really do it!", he exclaimed with his annoying smile on his face. 

"Yes now shut the fuck up and give me your hands!", Chuuya demanded. 

Dazai quickly handed over his hands. Chuuya already had the nail polish in hand. 

"Now listen here mackrel. This takes a long as time to dry so if you smudge it because you forget about it don't whine about it. Or I'll throw your ass out".

Dazai grinned, "Kinky".

Chuuya's face sparked into a red hue close to his hair when he heard Dazai say that. 

"Shut the fuck up and let me focus", Chuuya grumbled. 

Dazai sighed but decided against teasing the other. He knew that Chuuya would actually kick him out, and he really didn't want to walk home tonight. 

While Dazai was getting lost in thought, so was Chuuya. 

He never noticed it before, but Dazai's hands where attractive. Long thin fingers that where able to outsmart handcuffs. Able to bring people to there knees. That thought caused a shiver to run up Chuuya's spine.

Before he even knew it all the nails where now a dark black. 

Mafia black, was what Chuuya thought. 

Chuuya's shitty hat, was what Dazai thought. 

"There, now don't go fucking it up". 

Dazai didn't even respond. His gaze was staring at his hands. 

"There so... pretty", he whispered. Chuuya felt a smile creep onto his face. 

"Damn right they are", Chuuya said. 

The next day, Atsushi was very surprised to see Dazai's nails painted. 

"Dazai, did you paint your nails?", Atsushi questioned. 

"No! My beautiful Chuuya painted them. Aren't they nice?", Dazai gushed with a fond smile on his face. 

Atsushi couldn't help but smile back. 

"Yes, they suit you".

Kunikida, on the other hand, didn't really care. He was far to focused on dragging Dazai to his desk while Dazai whinned about how his nails will get ruined. 

Luckily, by the end of the day Chuuya was proud to see that Dazai's hands where still fine. 

Even though he knew Dazai would ruin them by tomorrow morning. 

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