An Apple For Someone I Love

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A/N This chapter is based off of something I read where it said in Ancient Greece people threw apples at the people they loved. If I'm wrong totally tell me. But if not, enjoy!

Dazai was never one for big proclamations of love. He never even thought of it actually.

He only thought of suicide, pretty women, and how to annoy Chuuya. But never once did he think about love in any of those instances.

Until now.

A change started to brew inside him.

One that he didn't like.

It centered around Chuuya. His loyal dog. Every so often he was starting to add on that Chuuya was also an adorable dog.

And he hated it.

Dazai was becoming more and more annoyed.

There must be some way to stop all this nonsense.

Dazai racked his brain for a solution. Surely there must be something in there!

Something subtle. That will at least let him say the words he couldn't bear to speak out in the open.

After a considerable amount of time, and idea struck him.

"Perfecf!", he exclaimed as he set down his gameboy.

The stupid Chibi won't know what hit him!

Chuuya was just doing his daily chores around the mafia.

Nothing to extreme since no new missions had arose.

Which was nice. He could spend time with Kouyou, drink his wine, and spend time away from that shitty Dazai.

As he rounded a corner he heard the pattering of footsteps behind him.


Chuuya growled. Scratch the last one off his list.

"What the hell do you want Daza-", "Here!", Dazai exclaimed before a hard object hit Chuuya straight in the face.

A sickening crack was heard and Chuuya hissed. Did that motherfucker really just break his nose with, with whatever just hit him!

"Enjoy Chibi", Dazai teased before running off.

Chuuya forced his eyes open to peer down towards the ground.

He was so totally gonna kill... huh.

Chuuya expected it to be something stupid. And it was. But he definitely wasn't expecting an apple.

He bent down to pick it up. Why would Dazai chuck and apple at him?

Chuuya decided to think about it for another time. Right now, he had to see Kouyou to make sure his nose wasn't broken.

Dazai was smiling to himself. He was delighted!

Chuuya had no idea what the apple signified. It was great!

"Stupid lovely Chuuya!", Dazai whispered to himself. He pulled another apple from his bag and took a bite.

Today was a good day. For one of them at least.

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