I Hate How Good You Look In My Hat

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Dazai couldn't believe this. He knew that he was a little shit and stealing Chuuya's wine bottles was a very stupid thing to do.

But he definitely didn't deserve this.

"Do I have to?", Dazai whined as Chuuya strutted over.

Chuuya nodded.

"I don't wanna!".

"Well you should've thought about this before you stole my wine bottles Dazai", Chuuya hissed.

Dazai whined once more.

This was going to be insufferable.

"Hey!", Chuuya exclaimed, "At least I'm not making you wear it to work Dazai".

Dazai rolled his eyes, "No one at the Port Mafia wants to see you become even shorter anyways Chuuya~".

Chuuya hit Dazai on the side of the head.

"Whatever! just wear it!", Chuuya hissed. And before Dazai could even object the disgusting hat was shoved on his head.

Dazai let out a small yelp. Then an over dramatic cry was heard.

"I can't believe this!", Dazai cried, "How could you do this to me Chuuya!".

Chuuya couldn't help but laugh at this stupid display. His hands still on Dazai's head, pushing him down to his height.

"Oh shut up! It's not that bad", Chuuya giggled.

"Yes it is! My brains now gonna be sucked and then I'll be as dumb as chibi!", Dazai cried.

Chuuya rolled his eyes and leaned forward. A quick kiss to the cheek would surely make Dazai shut up.

And it did. Luckily.

"There. Now you've shut up", Chuuya said. Finally letting go of Dazai's head.

Dazai lifted his head up. A frown ruling on his face.

"I hate this".

"Well I hate it too", Chuuya replied.

"No you don't!".

"Yes I do! Now go clean my room, do the dishes, and shut the fuck up".

Dazai let another whine pass his lips but went to go do as he was told. After all this was his apology.

Chuuya watched as the taller man walked away. A drag in each of his steps.

But damn, even though Chuuya was missing his hat a little bit now, he hated to admit that Dazai looked good in it.

Not that he'd ever tell the other that. Dazai would use that to torment him.

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