The River Calls

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Dazai looked out towards the river as he walked down the bridge.

Today was a good day. A really good day. One that even Oda would be proud of.

And yet, as he continued on, a voice in his head was telling him to stop.

To throw himself into the river.

Dazai felt his hand twitch.

He shouldn't do it.

He really shouldn't.

But still, Dazai felt himself be lifted over the edge. He slowly sat on the rail, the water roaring from under him.

He looked around, brunette eyes dashing back and forth, looking to see if anyone was there.

No one was.

Dazai gulped.

The voice in the back of his head was chanting now. Almost signing.

"No ones here. You can go. It's safe. It will all be over soon", the voice sung.

Dazai's throat felt like it was closing up. No, no he had to be good for Oda.

He had to be a good man.

But surely to greatest thing a good man could do was take kill someone bad, right?

And Dazai was surely bad. Dazai was terrible actually.

He was. He was definitely terrible.

So when he felt the waves pull him under, the only feeling he could feel was peace.

Chuuya wasn't one to walk down random paths on his rare breaks from work.

And yet here he was doing exactly that.

As he passed a bridge, not paying that much attention, he suddenly heard a splash.

Chuuya shifted his eyes towards the bridge.

No one was there.

Was he just hearing things?

Chuuya looked down at the water. A bolo tie broke the surface of the waves.

One that looked eerily similar to his partners.

"Shit", Chuuya muttered.

He quickly shoved his hat off his head and dove into the water.

Chuuya forced his eyes open. The water burned his eyes but he knew that if Dazai stayed down here any longer that would burn his heart.

Chuuya dug his way deeper into the water. His eyes searching for any sign of the other.

He looked towards the left, and a small flash of a tan coat was seen.

Chuuya wasted no time.

His gloved hands latched onto the cloth.

With all his might he swam back towards the surface.

He gasped for air when he finally reached the surface. Chuuya didn't even realize that he had been down there for that long.

That just made him even more worried for Dazai.

Chuuya crawled through the water, and when he finally reached the shore he lugged the other man up next to him.

"Dazai! Oi Dazai!", Chuuya exclaimed.

Dazai was barely breathing. His chest rising and falling far to slowly. Another worrying observation Chuuya noticed was that Dazai's face looked blue.

Chuuya quickly started to pump the others chest. He leaned forward and placed his lips on the others. Air forcing its way into the brunettes.

Chuuya hated it.

He loved to kiss Dazai, but not like this.

Suddenly Dazai's body jolted. A cough was heard. And then Dazai was hacking and coughing.

"Spit out the fucking water Dazai", Chuuya growled.

Dazai let out one final loud cough before water spilled from his mouth.

"That's it Osamu. Let all the water leave. That's it", Chuuya whispered. His voice sweet even though his stomach was feeling sick.

Dazai's whole body was trembling. And his arms could barely hold him up.

When the water ran out Chuuya barely had time to react before Dazai's arms gave out from under him.

"Fuck", Chuuya cursed as he pulled the other quickly into his arms.

"Chuu", Dazai whispered.

"Yeah. Yeah it's me. I'm here Dazai", Chuuya respondes.

"I'm sorry", Dazai said. Chuuya felt his arm tighten around the other.

"You're just sorry that you didn't succeed", Chuuya responded. A bite in his tone.

Dazai didn't respond. He instead said, "I want my bolo tie".

Chuuya rolled his eyes, "That is long gone by now".

Dazai pouted.

"But if it makes you feel better, I'll get you a knew one".

Chuuya could feel Dazai lighten up at that.

"Really?", Dazai slurred.

Chuuya nodded.

"Yes. Really".

"Even though I got you all wet?".

"Even though you got me all wet".

And, there in Chuuya's arms, Dazai realized that the call of the river wasn't that loud anymore.

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