You Can't Drive For Shit

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Chuuya couldn't believe this shit.

"Push the gas pedal".

"... Which one is the gas pedal?".

Chuuya let out a groan.

"How the fuck can you be this shit at driving Dazai! It's not that fucking hard, push the pedal, the car goes, and steer the bitch so it will go in the way you want it to", Chuuya hissed.

Dazai looked at him. A frown planted firmly on his face.

But with a sigh he nodded.

And slammed the gas pedal into the floor.

Chuuya let out a scream as the car whizzed down the street.

"BRAKES! PUSH THE BREAKS", Chuuya screamed when he saw the car heading directly for a wall.

Dazai slammed the breaks just in time.

Chuuya sucked in a deep breath.

"You can't drive for shit", he whispered.

Dazai didn't even seem stirred at all. In fact he looked rather peaceful.

"That was... interesting", he said.

Chuuya glared at him.

"That wasn't fucking interesting bitch", he hissed before adding, "Don't ever drive again".

"Don't worry slug, I'm not".

Luckily Dazai kept that promise. Otherwise there would be many bodies on the streets.

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