Soft Hairs

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Chuuya never understood it. He never did. 

But for some reason, the fact stood out like a sore thumb in his mind. 

Dazai had extraordinarily soft hair. 

It was amazing since Chuuya had never even seen the other go anywhere near a shower. Which, he now realizes, is something that he must change since that is very unsanitary. 

Dazai had known ever since they were teens that Chuuya had amazing soft locks. 

That's why he loved their height difference. Because Dazai would always have access to those lovely red hairs. 

After these facts where both learned by both of them, the two had developed a strange habit. 

Dazai would always lean against the other. His head laying atop the other as if he was a pedestal. Chuuya hated it. But he never told Dazai to stop. He secretly enjoyed it.

Dazai outwardly enjoyed it. 

Always bragging about how comfortable his dog was. Or his usual way of saying it was, "He is so fluffy and soft!". This would usually end with Chuuya jabbing his foot into Dazai's. 

Chuuya also secretly enjoyed doing that part. 

At home, when things where scarily intimate, Chuuya would brush Dazai's long bangs away from his face. 

This movement was sacred in a way because it only happened when Dazai was on the brink of sleep.

And Chuuya would make sure that he would get there as he slowly ran his fingers through those locks of softness. 

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