The Adventures Of Chuuya The Cat

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Chuuya, in all his life, had never imagined this to happen.

His hands now where covered in red fur. Well what where his hands.

Now they where paws. Cat paws to be precise.

Chuuya tried to rack his brain to remember what happened. He was at the mafia headquarters, then went on his way to Dazai's and...

And that's all he can recall.

Chuuya lets out a hiss. Curse this stupid shit.

He let out another hiss when he felt a small droplet hit his head.

Oh great. Of course it would start raining when he's in a state like this.

Chuuya let out a growl as more raindrops splashed around him.

Shit. If this continued he'd surely end up a drag rat.

With that thought in mind, he tried to think of where to go. He didn't want to stay out here though. That was for sure.

Chuuya jumped under an umbrella when thunder cracked over head.

Fuck this. Dazai better be happy to get a cat today.

Back at Dazai's apartment thunder struck up in the heavens. Not that Dazai cared all that much.

A smile was on his face as he read his favorite book for the hundredth time.

Surely nothing could ruin his good day today!

Another thunderclap was heard overhead. And then lightening eliminated his room as he flipped the page.

And Dazai was very surprised to see a shadow appear on his floor.

His eyes shifted towards his window, and he let his eyes widened when he saw a cat clawing at the windowpane.

"What the hell", Dazai said. He was just baffled. Never had Dazai been this baffled by something. Especially an animal.

What did this little kitty want?

Dazai quickly unlocked his window, and the small kitten jumped right in.

He closed the window as the rain picked up.

Before he knew it a meow was heard.

Oh right, the cat.

"What do you want kitty?", Dazai questioned as he stared it down.

The cat started back. Blue eyes starring into his.

They seemed strangely familiar.

"Do you... want some crab?", Dazai questioned.

The cat let out a hiss. One that reminded Dazai of a laugh.

Dazai continued to stare are the cat. It's hair dangled down, heavy by the rain, and it was shaking.

"You're cold aren't you?", Dazai chuckled as he scooped up the cat in his arms.

The cat let out a small hiss. A warning not to do anything stupid.

"Calm down. I'm just gonna give you a bath".

At that statement the cat suddenly went ballistic. Dazai quickly dropped the cat. Luckily escaping the claws.

"Holy shit! Calm down cat! Fine no bath that's fine", Dazai squeaked out as the cat suddenly tried to grab hold of his pant leg.

Chuuya was happy that his face was covered in his soft fur. Otherwise Dazai could have clearly seen the blush that took over his face.

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