Didn't Mean It

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Like every relationship, fights are going to occur.

Especially now.

Both Dazai and Chuuya had fucked up. That was plain to see.

But then Chuuya had to say it. He didn't even mean to say it. The words just slipped out.

"Odasaku would hate you right now!".

And then Dazai's insults stopped. His face now neutral.

Chuuya saw that dead look in his eyes. And for some reason that fueled the words to spill out of his mouth like an avalanche.

"You will never be a good person Dazai. Never! I don't understand why Odasaku even told you that shit. I don't know why he even believed in you. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THE DEMON FUCKING PRODIGY AND NOTHING MORE", the last sentence came out as a shout.

When Chuuya's mouth closed and when the silence engulfed the two, Chuuya had then realized what he had said.

Dazai's eyes were dead. Like a fish. His face held no emotion. And his jaw was clenched.


That was the only word that was running through Chuuya's mind.

"D-Dazai I d-", "Shut up".

Dazai's voice was cold. Deathly cold.

"N-No. I didn't mean what said. I'm sorry", Chuuya said.

"I'm leaving", Dazai stated through clenched teeth.

Chuuya looked at him. Looked at his dead eyes. Ones that where always prominent back when he was still in the mafia.

Chuuya sighed. And with a final accepting look he whispered, "Okay".

But he knew it wasn't okay. It wasn't okay that he said that. It wasn't okay when Dazai all but ran out the door. And it wasn't okay when Dazai didn't return back to his apartment for a total of five days.

On the sixth day, a turning of the lock was heard.

Chuuya knew it was Dazai. The bastard never knocked.

And when the door unlatched and was pushed open there he stood.

"Chibi didn't mean that... right?", Dazai's voice was small. Almost under his breath.

Chuuya looked at Dazai with a small smile. A soft one. One without judgement.

"Of course I didn't".

Dazai smiled slightly.

"Of course you didn't".

Like all relationships fights are bound to happen.

Luckily these two idiots are able to sort it out.

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