Self Care Days

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"Don't put that on my face".

"I'm going to put it on your face".

"I said d-", Dazai was cut off when Chuuya all but slapped the face mask cream on the other.

Dazai let out a scream. One that was so overly dramatic that Chuuya was tempted to hurl himself out the window.

But he didn't.

Instead he just placed more cream on the others face.

"It smeeeelllllssss", Dazai whined.

"Of course it's going to smell dumbass! It's grapefruit scented".

"I hate it!".

"Oh my fucking god you choose the damn mask so deal with it", Chuuya teased.

"I just didn't think it would smell so strongly of grapefruit", Dazai cried out.

Chuuya rolled his eyes but continued to apply the cream.

The whole reason the two where doing this was solely because Ranpo suggested it.

Saying whenever he or Poe had a rough day they would both have a self care day.

And Chuuya and Dazai had more than one day. They had years stacked up.

That was how they found themselves in this situation.

"Don't eat it Dazai", Chuuya muttered.

Dazai's tongue poked out from his mouth. Chuuya huffed and warned, "If I see that tongue again I'm gonna bite it off".

Dazai sighed but the tongue disappeared. He knew Chuuya wouldn't actually bite it off. Chuuya would never rip an appendage off of the other. But he knew that Chuuya would do... other things to his mouth that he doesn't feel like doing today.

"Alright close your eyes", Chuuya demanded.

"Wait I wanna put them on you first!", Dazai exclaimed.

"I don't need them because I actually get enough sleep. Unlike someone".

"Sleeping won't help you grow chibi", Dazai sung.


Dazai let out a laugh. A small one that sounded so soft that it was amazing that it came out of the former demon prodigy.

Chuuya decided then and there that maybe, just maybe, letting Dazai tease him again would be worth it. Just so he could hear the rare sound once more.

"But if it will make you happy I'll let you put cucumbers on my eyes", Dazai said before closing his eyes.

"Thank you".

Chuuya carefully placed the cucumber slices on the others eyes.

And Chuuya couldn't help but cackle at the view.

Dazai looked so utterly stupid!

"Stop being mean!", Dazai cried out.

"Shut up! I'm taking a picture", Chuuya hissed.

Dazai gasped and tried to reach for the other. But the click of the camera was already heard.

"How could you!", Dazai yelped out in anguish.

Chuuya ignored him. Instead discreetly adding the picture to his Dazai folder.

"Shut up", Chuuya muttered.

"I will I will. But CUDDLE ME!", Dazai screamed out the last part.

"Holy shit Dazai", Chuuya said, "Fine. Come here".

Before Dazai could try and make his way towards the other Chuuya had already dragged him into his chest.

It would probably look really silly to anyone else who was there to witness the scene.

Dazai's body was almost squishing the other. And since Chuuya was a head shorter than Dazai his face was buried in the others hair.

Not that he minded though.

It is very soft after all.

"Chuuya", Dazai said.


"... I gotta pee. Can I take these off?".

Chuuya let out a laugh. A good loud one that made Dazai bounce against his chest.

"Yeah. You can take them off".

Maybe self care days where good.

In fact, Chuuya loved them.

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