A Finger

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Chuuya took another swig of his wine with a glare.

The stupid mackerel once again fucked up.

And once again he was whisked away by Mori to his office.

Chuuya didn't even have the energy to be angry at the brunette. So, instead of dwelling on it, he snuck back to his apartment to patch himself up and drink.

Chuuya hissed as he dabbed the gauze towards his wound.

The stupid mackerel was in trouble. But Chuuya didn't care.

Nope. Not at all.

He didn't care at all for that stupid, shitty, beautiful boy. Not at all.

But when the next day arrived Chuuya was once again reminded how untrue that was.

Now, Chuuya had seen Dazai in bandages. Fuck the boy was always wearing them. It wasn't that strange to see.

But seeing them tightly wrapped around his hand was strange.

And it was even stranger how out of it Dazai looked.

His eyes where dull.

Not the emotionless dull though that Chuuya was used too.

No, this dull was more like he was just a statue.

Unfeeling. Unmoving. And definitely unseeing.

"Mackerel", Chuuya whispered towards his partner.

Not a flicker of recognition flashed in the other.

"Shitty bandage wasting machine?", Chuuya hissed.

This time Dazai did move. But the movement only pulled his hand to his chest. As if to cradle it.

But from what?

Chuuya sucked in a breath before meekly whispering, "Osamu".

Dazai's eyes quickly shifted over to Chuuya. And Chuuya hoped he would say something. Anything. Fuck Chuuya didn't even care if he made fun of his height.

Because if Dazai did then Chuuya knew that he was okay.

But the only thing Dazai said was, "Dogs don't call there owners by there first name".

Chuuya stared at the other. And soon the rage filtered in.

With quickly calculated movements Chuuya launched into an attack towards the other.

Dazai let out a noise. One that sounded like a cat being startled.

But Chuuya didn't care. Because how dare Dazai still call him a dog. How dare he.

How dare he insult him. How dare he hurt him.

How dare Dazai try and hide his pain to one who can easily see through it.

The person who could easily help him.

Before Chuuya could stop himself he latched onto Dazai's bandaged hand. And Chuuya inwardly cringed as he dug his nails inside.

"You stupid bitch", Chuuya hissed as he tackled the other to the ground. Hand still clutching onto the others.

"I only want to make sure you're okay you idiot!", Chuuya said, "Why do you always have to shut me out? We're partners for fuck sakes!".

Dazai didn't even look at him. His bangs hiding his face while the bandages hid his other eye.

The one he never showed to Chuuya.

"Just tell me why you aren't teasing me! Why you aren't being your annoying self? Somethings wrong Dazai and I-", "Shut up Chuuya".



The volume stunned the other. Dazai noticed. With a quick kick to the stomach Chuuya was launched off.

Chuuya didn't even bother to run after Dazai as he fled.

Chuuya watched as he went. Confusion and hurt in his chest.

Dazai never yelled. Dazai never got angry. At best he completely shut off.

This was completely knew.

And Chuuya didn't know how to deal with it.

Dazai whisked himself away to his dorm. One that Mori paid for.

Everywhere Dazai looked he saw something that reminded him of Mori.

His bed. His dorm. His clothes. His eyes.

And now whenever he looked down towards his hand there would be a permanent reminder of what Mori took from him.

It was so unfair. Because Mori already took so much.

Dazai let out a stuttering breath.

His hand was stinging.

"Stupid Chibi", Dazai hissed as he ran to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

"Stupid dog is too loyal".

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