The Nighttime

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Almost, a sigh parted from his lips. He could tell that she was tired, but she wasn't moving from the spot. If anything, she only scooted closer to the pen. Emorie shook his head a bit, and she didn't notice. Instead, she stuck her right index finger into one of the windows and was scratching the heads of one of the male hares. Admittedly, he couldn't pull her away yet since she would release an adorable giggle every now and then when the hare would twitch his ears or nose.

It was completely dark outside, though, with the exception of the lantern he had brought out. The illumination from it cast shadows across the pen and (f/n), and the warm glow on her face did mesmerize from him from how peaceful she looked. Everything from her smile to her eyes lit up under the lantern's light, and it was like he was seeing a new version of the sun, one that he actually could look at.

Still, they did need to get to sleep, and he couldn't see out into their surroundings all that well. Since he had set the lantern on top of the pen, his right hand rested over the hilt of his sword. He didn't like the fact that something could jump out of the woods at the back of his home from any angle, and he wouldn't be able to tell the direction from which it came until it revealed itself. It didn't help that the pen was at the back of yard since the crops took up the front portion. A horrible image of Jacob running out of the woods and grabbing (f/n) entered his mind, and he scowled in worry and hate at the thought.

(F/n), however, didn't seem to consider that problem at all. No, she was happily enjoying her time with the hares, and he was grateful that she wasn't worrying, but he couldn't let her be unsafe either. He knew that she would come inside if he asked, well after a few times maybe, and he especially knew that she would come in if he brought up his worry about the darkness, the woods and Jacob. Still, he'd rather avoid frightening her if he could, and he'd rather not mention Jacob if he didn't have to. Emorie would much rather have her thoughts focused on him.

With that in mind, he developed an idea that he was quite certain would work on her. Moving closer to her, he seated himself on the ground next to her. She didn't even glance over, and he chuckled lightly. (F/n) was far too concentrated on the hares, especially since her focus was back on the baby ones. He wondered if she even would register his voice.

"(F/n)," he called out softly, hoping not to startle her. When she didn't answer, he rested his right hand on her shoulder and called out to her again. "(F/n), it's time to head inside." She hummed in response, but she didn't move. A smile hit his lips, and he shook his head again. "Are you really fine with falling asleep out here?"

"... Yeah," she finally answered; however, she didn't glance over to him. It was almost like it had been an automatic response, and she hadn't really registered what he had said. Honestly, it was cute how much she liked the baby hares, but her safety came first.

"Well if you do, you know what that means, don't you?" She hummed in response again. He doubted that she even had heard him fully. "It means that I'll need to change you into your nightclothes." There was a pause from her as though she just had frozen over. As suspected, that got her attention.

Steadily, she turned her head from the pen and looked over to him. She noticed the amusement in his expression but also an aspect of seriousness too; however, she didn't know if that was about changing her or something else. Whatever the case, his statement certainly had caused heat to rush to her cheeks. Yes, she had been nude around him before, but he hadn't seen her during those times. He hadn't even seen her underclothes. So for him to change her ... Oh goodness, more heat entered her cheeks.

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