The Score

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Continuing to head northward, the siblings watched their steps carefully. One wrong move and the knight would be alerted of their presence. They maintained a fair enough distance from the knight as well. Otherwise, he most definitely would hear them, or they at least would increase the likelihood of the knight hearing them both. Much to their delight, though, the grouse didn't rest in one tree for long, and Jacob would've been surprised that the knight still was going after it had there been other grouse around. In the present area, however, there just was the one flapping its wings.

He smirked. The bird was more helpful than the pixies ever had been. Not to mention that the bird wasn't exacting a price for its services. Perhaps as thanks, he wouldn't eat grouse for awhile. Then again once he had (f/n) in his arms, he'd most likely forget about that, especially if she felt like eating grouse. Since he would be busy tending to the smithy, she would prepare the meal, and he couldn't wait to look forward to her cooking every morning, afternoon and evening.

Jacob broke out of his thoughts, though, when Hester tapped him lightly on his upper right arm. She mouthed, "Focus," to him, and he would've chuckled had they been in a different situation. Since the knight was nearby, he resisted that urge and gave a slight nod to his sister. Hester was right. He needed to keep up his concentration on the knight. (F/n) would be out of reach until the knight was gone. There would be none of her cooking for him until then.

If only she just had decided to thank the knight and move on, Hester and he wouldn't have to go through with killing the knight. Things would be easier. Almost, he went down another train of thought, but he shook his head a little bit and snapped out of it. Focus. That was what he needed to do. This whole procedure had to be done with immense care after all.

A grin met his lips at the image of the knight being skewered. The knight's blood would go well with the red maple leaves. Honestly, that probably would be the only thing ever that he complemented. Nearly, he let out a chuckle again. Swallowing it, he tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. Soon, the knight would meet his end.

Following the older male still, Jacob watched the placement of his feet and hid behind a tree every now and then when the knight paused. They were getting closer to the clearing. Only a little bit more, and they would reach their destination. Then, it would be time to come out of hiding and face the knight. No doubt, he would win despite the knight's experience in combat. It was two against one after all.

When they reached the clearing, the knight attempted to catch the grouse before it left one of the trees on the perimeter of the clearing. He patiently stood by and held up the snare. Jacob and Hester steadily moved closer. The knight's back was turned to them. Maybe, this would be even easier than they originally had thought. All he had to do was stab the knight through his back and kick him into the clearing before he died from blood loss.

Flying, the bird went right into the snare, and the knight pulled down the trap to retrieve his catch. His senses immediately went on alert, however, when he thought that he heard steps behind him. Instantly, he dropped the snare with the bird and rested his hand over the hilt of his sword. The knight surveyed the nearby terrain, and his eyes narrowed.

Grip tightening on the hilt, his hand was ready to withdraw the weapon from its sheath. He didn't call out to see if anyone would answer. Rather, he remained in a defensive position and watched everything around him incredibly closely. Hester didn't move at all, but Jacob wondered if he should head out now and distract the knight. There was no need for the knight to head into the clearing since he had caught the grouse; however, he might head that way after hearing noise southward.

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