The Family

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Both of them were seated at the kitchen table. To their right, her mother was continuing to work, but she would talk every now and then. Her father was seated across from them at the table and led most of the conversation so that her mother could focus somewhat more on her work. Emorie sat to her left and was sitting with a near perfect posture while a respectful and grateful expression covered his countenance for most of the conversation. She had her hands folded on her lap, and her legs were crossed at her calves. Compared to him, her posture definitely was slacking a little even though her mother was secretly giving her the motion to sit up straighter every now and then. That motion didn't help too much.

Throughout the whole conversation, she felt a bit of heat in her cheeks it seemed, and she wished that she wasn't so shy. She had talked about Emorie on countless occasions to her parents beforehand. Yes, she had been a little embarrassed, then, but it was different presently. He was officially courting her now. Not only that but also he had mentioned their plans, which were rather daring since they weren't married yet.

Her parents, though, had been pretty receptive to everything. When they first had stepped into her home, it was as though her mother knew exactly what was about to happen. The older woman wasted no time in retrieving her husband and bringing him in. No doubt, they had discussed something quickly before they both had reentered the room. (F/n) could tell by the way her parents were glancing to each other and over to Emorie and her.

While her mother went back to her weaving, her father stood before Emorie. The older man's arms were crossed, and he examined Emorie slowly, judging every singly ounce of his worth. Emorie, however, stood still and silent until her father asked, "I take it that this involves my daughter."

"Yes." Emorie knelt before her father and placed his right hand over his heart. He dipped his head. "She's agreed to me courting her, but I would like your permission as well, (d/n)." (F/n) knew that he was often very polite with his gestures, but she hadn't been expecting him to kneel. He was still a knight even if he had retired; his title remained. She knew that he wouldn't just rudely tell her father that he was planning to court her and to get over it, but it almost was like he was bowing before the king in a sense. Then again, she never had met the king herself, but she expected one was supposed to bow like that before him.

Raising a brow, (d/n) looked over to (m/n), and the older woman's lips twitched up into a very small smile. To someone who didn't know (m/n), they would've assumed that her expression hadn't changed, but her husband caught it and smiled a bit in return. Soon enough, a laugh escaped her father. "There's no need for that." He held out his right hand to Emorie.

Lifting up his head, Emorie smiled in thanks and grabbed (d/n)'s hand. The older man helped the knight back to his feet. "You have our permission. I think that (f/n) might throw a fit if we didn't give it." Instantly, (f/n) stared down to her feet, and her cheeks grew quite warm. She knew that Emorie looked over to her, but she couldn't meet his gaze. "But," (d/n) kept his hand around Emorie's, "you're fine with her work schedule? You're not going to force her to quit?"

"No, I'm not." Emorie's expression became serious, and there was no ounce of falsity in his words or eyes. "I'll support her in her decision to continue on her trade." The younger man smiled kindly. "Otherwise, I don't think that she would've accepted me." Again, heat touched her cheeks.

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