The Unease

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

It was one of those moments where the world seemed to come to a complete halt. Already that early morning so much had happened that made his heart skip a beat or almost stop. She surprised him left and right, and the fabric rings they had were even more proof of that. Usually, only the wife would wear a ring, but he didn't mind having one on his finger. He didn't mind her tying it around his finger first either. Instead, he was overjoyed. The rings connected them together further, and he had something of hers when they were away from each other.

Now, though, that she had called him her home, he was once more lost for words. Gradually, his left fingers slipped away from her right ones. They dropped to his side, and worry entered her gorgeous (e/c) optics. He could see her become concerned that she had said too much, and he managed to form a reassuring smile upon his lips during his lack of words.

Parting his lips, he tried to utter something, anything, even one word, but a swarm of emotions hit him again. He was becoming vulnerable to her once more, and he couldn't help himself. Every string of his heart, she strung with ease, and he felt the strength in his legs weaken. His heartbeat quickened, and his eyes searched hers desperately for some shred of a lie even though she had spoken nothing but the truth so far that morning. He was far too certain of that.

Seeing him fall forward a bit, she closed the distance and grabbed his upper arms. She managed to support him up for a few moments before they both fell to the ground. He made sure that his left nails didn't harm her, and he locked his gaze with hers when they both were sitting on their knees. "(F/n)," he muttered, pure thankfulness in every syllable of her name. A reassuring hum left her lips for him to continue. "I just," he chuckled lightly from joy and disbelief, "... I just don't understand. My appearance, all of this, I ..."

Gently, she covered his mouth with her right hand and shook her head. "You know why. I've told you, but," she smiled and laughed gently, "I'll tell you again. However many times you need to hear me say it." Her hand moved from his lips to cup his cheek, and her thumb glided across his skin like the softness of delicate flower petals. "I still love you, and we'll work through this." Heat touched her cheeks, and she rested the tip of her nose against his. "Besides, you're my husband now, and I wouldn't have married you if I planned to leave you." Wiping away a tear that was about to trickle down his left cheek, she smiled again. "Like I said, you're my home now."

Instantly, he wrapped his arms around her and tucked his face away into the right crook of her neck. He breathed in her delightful scent, and it calmed him immediately. "You're my home too. I'm here to support you also." And, he always would be, just like he had planned ever since he had grown feelings for her. He just never had expected things to work out so well after all that had happened, and he couldn't be happier. She was his wife, and she forever would be his.

After a few moments, he pulled away and chuckled. An embarrassed expression crossed his countenance. "I suppose that I really should get you back now." From her lips parted an adorable laugh, and she nodded her head. Gently, he helped her back up to her feet as he stood back up too. Before she could step forward, she felt herself lifted up into the air. Her eyes widened for a moment, and heat invaded her cheeks. She looked up to Emorie, and she saw a grin on his lips. (F/n) couldn't help but laugh again despite her embarrassed state, and she was glad that Emorie wasn't shedding anymore tears since she didn't wish for him to doubt that she was there for him anymore. Always, she would be there.

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