The Inquiry

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

When the door opened, sounds of people whispering and the lack of footsteps greeted the leaving individual. A shirt, woven of light wool and in an off-white hue, was in the woman's arms. It was a new shirt to replace one that had gained too many holes in it from the years of work. She paused in the doorway and didn't move another step forward. Down the street was a most peculiar sight, and she couldn't help but watch, just like so many others in the village.

"Is something wrong, Margery?" (m/n) asked, looking up from her work as she just had sat down again to continue on the next piece. (F/n) glanced over too and wondered why the woman was standing in place as well, but she did hear the noise outside. Was everyone deciding to gossip at once? Just what was going on?

"Just something rather odd." Almost, a grin formed on her lips, but she kept it to herself. "I haven't seen something like this before. It seems indecent." That last sentence was enough to get both weavers' attention only more, and (f/n) stood up from her seat to inspect what was happening outside. Her mother remained seated and waited.

Coming to stand beside Margery Hayward, (f/n) followed the older woman's gaze, and she froze momentarily. She blinked as if she was seeing something that wasn't actually there. When she opened her eyes again, though, the sight remained before her. Why was ... Why was ... Emorie ... He was standing shirtless and barefoot in front of the Feldman home with Jetta. Richenda Feldman was in the doorway and staring the two of them down. (F/n) couldn't hear what was transpiring between them, but what worried her was why Jetta was wearing Emorie's shirt and boots.

Almost, her mind got carried away with itself and began to form awful assumptions. No, Emorie wouldn't give his shirt to Jetta without good reason, nor would he walk through town like that with her without some explanation. She squinted to try and get a better look at their expressions. Richenda almost looked irritated and disappointed while Jetta was becoming embarrassed but also disappointed. Emorie, though, his expression was pretty unreadable from where she was standing at. Her stomach turned awfully.

Jetta handed the boots back to Emorie before she went into her home as her mother stepped to the side. Richenda and Emorie looked to be exchanging some sort of words, probably goodbyes since Richenda was closing the door. Emorie turned away shortly after. Instantly, (f/n) looked back to her mother. "Can I leave for a bit, mother?" (M/n) analyzed her daughter's gaze before she nodded. There was clear panic there, and (f/n) would be no good at her work if she was that distracted. "Thank you; I'll try to be back soon."

"Just resolve whatever happened, (f/n). You can't work in that condition. You look like a bird about to take flight and never return." (F/n) gave a nod before she took off.

Margery watched the young woman go after the knight, and she mentally sighed. Either way, that situation had been amusing to watch, but it didn't prove beneficial to her friend Sarah. The knight either liked Jetta now, or he still remained faithful to (f/n) unless some turn of events happened, and he didn't want either of them. Then, she could relay the news to Sarah, and her daughter Carolyn might have a chance. "Thank you for the shirt, (m/n)." She dipped her head before she began to walk away after receiving a thank you for wood from (m/n) and closing the door behind her.

Whatever had occurred out there, (m/n) hoped that it wouldn't ruin her daughter's relationship with Sir Emorie. Her daughter had looked her happiest after she had returned from her visits to the knight's home. It almost was like her daughter had been when she first received that token of the piece of the knight's surcoat. Given her daughter's looks and the way she talked about him, those two clicked together quite well, and she knew that if something ruined that her daughter would be devastated. So, she hoped that things would work themselves out in her daughter's favor. Slowly, she turned on her chair and began to work on her next project. "Please let it go well," she whispered to herself.

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