The Parting

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


All of the pieces fit together. (F/n) had the whole plan laid out before her and different scenarios of what might happen. Jetta wasn't included; she was dead. The woman would be some stranger from the capital and one of the lower ranking nobles. She didn't know any of the noble families, and the only individual that she knew personally that was high-ranking was Emorie. Realistically, she was lucky to know him on such an immense level and even more so to be married to him given that she would be considered one of the lower ranks if she was to move to the capital, yet she was sending him away.

Over and over again, that thought troubled her, from Jetta to now. She had lost count of the times, and she knew that Emorie was awaiting her answer for the current plan. Already, she had her answer, but like before, she didn't say it immediately. Nine months or more, he'd be gone. During that time, she would continue on, and she'd get to spend a longer time with her parents before she left them for good; she'd get to continue her weaving for longer. Yet that all had a bitter feeling to it. Of course, she wanted to spend more time with her parents and on her weaving, but she also wished to see Emorie, especially after everything she was giving up.

Sighing, she faced away from him and leaned her arms on top of her dresser. She stared at the shutters. Behind her, she heard his soft footfalls. Hands rested on her shoulders, and she felt his nails lightly touch just below her collarbone. (F/n) didn't relax. Instead, she hid her face with her hands. "It'll almost be a year," she muttered, and his hands squeezed her shoulders a bit. "I won't leave you, but what if something happens in that time?"

"Are you worried that you might not be in the village any longer?" he asked, and she nodded. "I don't see people moving out of here, especially since there will be no more attacks. Even if trade has been affected, it'll come back once the attacks stop, and they have." Gently, he turned her around and held her hands in his so that he could see her face. "And, news of the attacks will keep away those trying to harm the town. In fact, it might increase trade with time because the roads might be considered safer to those that know they won't disappear."

"Perhaps," she muttered, averting her eyes from him.

"There's something else." She nodded, but she didn't say anything. Even though she was looking away from him, he began to get an idea of where her mind was traveling next. "Are you worried that I might fall in love with her?"

"I trust you Emorie, but ..."

"It's a long time," he sighed out, and she nodded apologetically. "I won't." Before she could say another word, he got down on both knees and held her hands still. "I wouldn't have accepted this ring if I had any doubt about loving only you for the rest of my life. I made wishes, both helpful and awful, to be back with you. A foolish one resulted in this mess, but that wish was so that I could be with you." Her eyes met his. "Everything I've done and this whole plan is so that we can spend our futures together and have somewhat of the future we had planned before."

"I know. I suppose," she sighed out, "that knowing that you're going to be gone for so long is just getting to me. It's causing me to have all of these negative thoughts. The whole plan is." Instantly, she saw the worry in his eyes that she might reject it. "I'll ... accept it." The words finally came out, and part of her wished that she could pull them back and get them out of this situation. "But, it doesn't change the fact that all of this hurts even though Jetta's no longer involved."

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