The Reaction

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Jacob! Wait!" Hester called out, trying to make her legs run faster. After his words and handling of the whole situation, she was worried that he really might try to kill the knight that evening, which wouldn't end well for either of them. It was the wrong timing. Part of her, though, wished to turn around and try to talk with the pixies. She wanted to beg them to help her brother, but she couldn't leave Jacob alone like that, and the pixies' silence after their messages didn't bode well for them receiving help. If anything, she might only anger them, and they might already be furious with how Jacob reacted to their answer. Frankly, Hester didn't want a maelstrom of pixies coming after them, especially since she had no idea just how powerful those creatures were. Due to those reasons, she resisted the urge to turn around and ask for their aid one more time. Instead, she focused on reaching her brother to attempt to calm him down, but even his steps were indicative of how furious he was. Twigs and fallen branches snapped under his feet as though he was one of those fabled giants crushing a rock. They might exist, though, given that pixies roamed the northern forest, but Hester liked to think that she would never come across one of those tall beings.

"Jacob!" she called out again, lifting up her skirt and being careful not to slip and roll down the hill. "Will you stop?!" she cried out as she hoped that no dangerous animal was nearby since they were being quite loud. She knew that her yelling wasn't helping, but she had to get through to her brother, or he might do something that he'd sorely regret later. Again, he didn't answer her. Instead, he marched on, and his one hand gripped the hilt of his sword in a seemingly murderous manner. Thankfully, she managed to close the distance between them, and she grabbed his right wrist firmly. The tug stopped him, but both of them almost their balance in the process. Jacob, though, reached out and grabbed a nearby trunk of a silver maple to steady himself. Hester leaned into his back before she slowly pulled away once she had proper footing again.

At first, Jacob didn't say anything. He just continued to lean against the tree, but she could see his fingers digging into the bark by a little bit. "Jacob?" she quietly asked as she rested a hand on his other arm to try and soothe him. "We ..."

"I know!" he barked out, not even looking back to her. He shrugged her hand off of him and growled under his breath. "I'm not going to kill him tonight." His nails dug into the tree further, and Hester knew that soon his skin would break if he continued that. "But, I'd certainly like to. I'd also like to kill a few of those pixies," he muttered under his breath. "Maybe, all of them."

"We shouldn't ..."

Once more, he cut her off, "If they wanted us dead, they probably would've tried to kill us already. Besides, they've done enough damage. They're probably all having a good laugh about this right now. Even more so if they're watching." He scoffed. "Not worthy. Yeah right. I don't know why they can't just wave their hands and kill the blasted knight."

Finally, he released his grip on the tree and turned to face her. A scowl remained on his face, and his light brown optics burned with remaining rage. "So, what's the plan?" She didn't respond immediately as she thought over the situation, which only infuriated him more. He slammed his right fist against the tree and didn't even wince at the pain that coursed through his appendage afterwards. "Well, you said you would help," he urged, his fist slowly falling back to his side.

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