The Figure

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Pale light traveled in through the cracks of the room's shutters. A flower from long ago no longer was in the room, it bringing up memories of someone who she didn't wish to recall at the moment. The whole situation had been too suspicious, and part of her couldn't help but blame him for what had happened to the man she loved.

Pressed into the upper left corner of her room and sitting on her mattress and coverings, she sat with her knees close to her chest. It was late. In fact, the sun would rise probably within a couple of hours or less. She had fallen asleep earlier in the night, but she had awoken due to awful nightmares about Emorie being ripped apart by a bear, only for that bear to be Jacob at the end. No longer could she sleep that evening and morning, and her fingers clutched at the finished surcoat in her hands. Dark and light browns and blues decorated the piece of clothing, and the wool of the fabric was woven lightly so that it could be comfortable even during the warmer months.

There was no rich maroon coloring in it like that of the fabric in the pendant she wore, but she was pleased with it none the less. Not to mention that it reminded her of Emorie when he still was alive. A faint smile graced her lips. If only he had gotten the chance to wear it, but he might be alive. He was out in the woods, wounded, but he was hanging on. She wished that she could run out and find him on her own without someone pulling her back and telling her that it was time to turn back or that she had to wait for him.

Tears formed at the corners of her eyes. (F/n) held back a sob, however. She didn't wish to be too loud, especially with her parents sleeping. They probably wouldn't hear her, but she didn't want to take any risks. Only a couple of her tears had the chance to trickle down her cheeks, though, due to her attention quickly focusing on the sounds outside her window. There were people talking hurriedly and multiple footsteps.

Confused, she slowly rose to her feet. Carefully, she placed the surcoat back in her dresser, and her right hand clutched the pendant around her neck. Her thumb rubbed over the glass, and she cautiously undid the latch of her windows. She opened it a little and peeked out. People had torches and were going off in multiple directions. They weren't strangers thankfully, but she wondered what the commotion was about. So far, she hadn't been able to hear the specifics of any conversation.

Using both hands, she leaned out a little bit more. A few of the villagers were coming over to her home. Most likely to tell them the news of whatever was going on. Something in her clicked. Was Emorie back?! Almost, she raced out of her room and towards the front door before that thought quickly vanished.

No, that couldn't be it. People had torches and were running around in a hurry. If Emorie had returned, they would be forming a crowd around him and getting him help; they wouldn't be running in multiple directions unless they had received some sign of him in the nearby area. Even that thought, however, disappeared when she finally overheard a conversation out on the street. "First Emorie, now Jacob. Do you ..."

(F/n) didn't pay attention any longer. Jacob was missing ... Her brows furrowed, and she heard a knock on her family's entrance door before she could think anymore on the matter. She was about to go out and answer it since she didn't hear her parents moving around yet, but she paused when she caught sight of something out of the corners of her eyes as she was turning away from the window.

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