The Duo

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Sitting at the base of a white oak, her hands were folded over her dark blue skirt. The wool fabric it was woven out of was light and airy, perfect for the summer weather. Her dark brown shirt had its sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and it was tucked into her skirt. She had her auburn hair loose and felt the strands brush against her jaw whenever a light breeze came by. It was ideal evening weather.

Hester's head rested back against the bark of the tree, and her eyes were closed. Her ears were listening to everything around her, however, and there was a large rock by her in case someone did try to attack her. Part of her wished that her brother could be with her, but he was finishing up his work for the day, and he couldn't leave in the middle of it, though; she would feel safer if he was with her. Unlike him, she never had practiced how to fight with a sword. She didn't know a woman in the village who did. All she knew was what she was able to watch when her father taught her brother.

Since her father never gave her a sword either, she did from time to time practice with a kitchen knife when she was alone prepping the food for meals. Her movements were nowhere near perfection, but they gave her a little confidence in her ability to defend herself, and if she got close enough, she would be quick enough to stab someone. That knife she had strapped around her right leg with a makeshift sheathe. If she had taken one of her father or brother's leather sheathes, her father would've noticed. Still, the rock beside her was for extra protection.

Her dark brown optics opened, though, when she heard movement nearby. Twigs were crushed under the weight of the person's steps, and she looked up to Jetta as she came into sight. Hester patted a place beside her on the ground, and Jetta nodded, slightly relieved that she could sit. Both of them were farther into the woods than when she had come to meet Jacob.

"So, you have the information?" Jetta asked, obvious excitement in her tone and medium green eyes.

"Yes." Otherwise, she wouldn't be meeting with her now, but Hester kept that comment to herself. "I know the stream he bathes in, the time and the days he went this week."

"Do you think that he'll keep those consistent with this week?"

"It's hard to say, but we'll choose one of those days that works for you. If he doesn't show, we try another day." Hester gave her a reassuring nod. "We'll get him, though. That you can be sure of." Jetta grinned a bit. "Besides, he came to the water at the same time on each of the days. I doubt that he'll change the time if it's working for him."

"That does make sense. What time does he go there at?"

"Mid-afternoon. We'll ..."

"That's perfect!" Jetta grinned and folded her hands together. "I take my bath sometimes around that time." She grinned. "That'll work out perfectly, then, if he decides to court me. Then, we won't have to change part of our schedule for each other."

Personally, Hester could care less. As long as her brother got (f/n), she would be happy. The knight could go court a tree for all she cared. He just couldn't court (f/n) and marry her. "Yes, well, we need to get there a bit early to set everything up."

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