The Damage

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Desperately hoping that her memories were a mistake of her mind, Hester called out for her brother softly as she walked among the kitchen and entrance area of the home. She didn't wish to alert her parents yet even if a part of her knew that her brother was no longer nearby. He might even be ... No, she couldn't think like that, not yet anyway. There was no proof that he was dead.

Worry remaining in her veins, however, she quietly opened the front door and peered both ways down the street. No one was out yet, which made sense given the time. Softly, she closed the door behind her. She knew that her current actions weren't the smartest and that she potentially was walking towards death, but she wanted to check for herself before her parents and the rest of the village set out to look for him too.

Maybe, just maybe, he had gone out into the woods to cool off because of a nightmare or something like that. The reasoning didn't sit well with her, but she couldn't back away from what she was doing. She had to be surer of her brother being gone. A chill traveled up her spine, though, at the thought of the thing that hand had belonged to, if it even really had been in their room. Their window latch was broken, which pointed to her memories not being figments of her imagination, but, perhaps, something else broke it? That didn't even sound convincing to herself, but she couldn't relinquish hope just yet.

Heading to her left, she traveled down the street. Her hands hugged her arms, and she wished that she had brought her brown cloak with her to keep warmer. At least, she had remembered to place her leather shoes on. Hester rubbed her upper arms, and her fingers eventually clenched around wool sleeves.

To her, her steps were quiet, but to the observing lettnex, they were quite noticeable. He moved silently between the trees and saw her form stand at the edge of the forest. Her dark brown optics glanced between the maples and oaks, squinting against the lack of light to see better. Not once did they land upon him. He moved too silently and quickly to be spotted by her.

Quietly, she called out, "Jacob?! Jacob?!" No answer. The lettnex smirked to himelf. "Are you out there?!" Again, she received no response, and she wouldn't, at least not from her brother. Long left nails rubbed against each other, but they didn't strike. It wasn't the right time. She'd be broken mentally first.

After some time and her calling out for her brother again and again, she finally faced away from the forest reluctantly. Her hands rubbed her upper arms, and she headed back down the street. The lettnex walked closer to her home, and he soon heard her walking around once she entered her home. Hester's steps stopped, and she released a heavy, shaky sigh before she began walking again.

Inside, a door opened, and the lettnex wished that he could see what she looked like, but he refrained from venturing into the home. It was better to keep his distance while she was driven mad by her memories and the lack of evidence to support them. There was the broken latch, but that wasn't enough for anyone to believe that something other than human had kidnapped her brother. Most would come up with a more logical conclusion.

Concerning Hester, she stepped further into her parents' room. They were fast asleep on their shared bed and none the wiser to their missing son. Within moments, that would change, and Hester felt her heart clench at being the bearer of that news. It didn't help that she felt useless in it all. She had been right there when it had happened, yet she hadn't been able to do a single thing. Whatever had attacked them had been too fast. Then again, maybe, she just was imagining things, and Jacob was farther out in the woods, but ... that was becoming harder to convince herself of, especially when she was about to tell her parents that Jacob was missing.

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