The Interference

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Despite his frustration boiling, he did feel some relief that the deceased knight hadn't touched her in that manner. Still, it was obvious that he had a lot of work ahead of him if he was going to get her to talk to him past this night and gain feelings for him. For all he knew, it could take over a year, but if he played the situation carefully, it might be sooner. Hopefully, though, no more knights would come into the village and take interest in her. If another one died, even after some time, that might be too suspicious to the others to believe a story about another bear attack, especially if it happened during bears' hibernation period.

"Maybe, I wouldn't have been so questioning if you trusted me more," he finally commented back, brushing his right fingers through his light brown locks. "I could've opened up to the idea." That never would happen, though, and he probably wouldn't have been able to hide his dislike, especially given how close she had been to the knight before his death.

Almost, he thought that (f/n) might roll her eyes, and he held back a glare. She really wanted to make this difficult on him, didn't she? "Could you have?" There was only doubt in her question. Before he could answer, though, she continued, "Whenever I talked about my project or him when we were younger, you never really seemed to listen all that much." (F/n) moved away from her father by a little bit and faced him all the more. "I know that I talked about both a lot, but even in the beginning, you seemed to hold little interest. I pushed it aside, but now I know why you were like that." There was no warmth in her next words. "I could've talked to you about my relationship with Emorie with you, and you might've not said anything bad about him, but you wouldn't actually be listening to me. You wouldn't be supporting my decisions regardless of what I would've told you."

Before he could argue back and defend himself, though her words were very true, they all heard footsteps coming from their right. (F/n) looked up hopefully, but that hope faded into the abyss the moment she saw who walked into the clearing. Anselm and Bennett were coming towards them. Slowly, the other men walked out into the clearing, finished with their searches also.

Her eyes scanned over them all to look for Emorie, but she didn't see him among any of them. A dreadful pit grew larger in her stomach, and she thought that she might cry again. The conversation with Jacob left her mind, and she could care less about him at the moment. To her utter dread, the reality of the present situation was growing worse. She didn't wish to head back home without seeing him. Even if he was ... No, she couldn't say it, but if he was in that state, she still desired to see him; she wanted to know for certain. Without finding him, there remained the small chance that he might be out there.

What if he was? They would be abandoning him; they'd be letting him find his way back to the village while he was probably very injured. Her father grabbed her right hand and gave it a light squeeze as Jacob tried to ignore her sadness altogether at the present time. It made his anger rise since she had gone back to acting like he wasn't even there, like their conversation hadn't even occurred. Despite her current behavior towards him, he couldn't back away. He had done too much, and he would talk with her again. Of course, he would give her a few days to seem polite, but after that, he would visit her and speak with her. She owed him that after all of the effort he had put into getting her to be his.

"I'm sorry, (f/n), but," Anselm looked across the expressions of the other men, who either shook their heads or gave bad news, "there's no sign of him out there." Anselm's eyes were filled with pity and exhaustion from the unexpected events. "We need to head back now. If he's out there, he'll come back to the village." He mustered his most encouraging smile. "He'll make it." Mentally, though, the blacksmith had a feeling that none of them would be seeing Emorie again, but he didn't have the heart to tell her that, especially when she looked to be on the verge of crying again.

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