The Reluctance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Next week arrived. Soon, Emorie would talk to Jetta in order to ... The thought trailed off in her mind, and she brought her knees up close to her chest. Her parents were being exceptionally careful, and they all slept in the main room of the house, especially since Hester had vanished too. Anselm Moore stayed out all the later on searches for his two children while his wife stayed over with Sarah Baxter and her children in the meantime until Anselm returned since no one thought it safe to be on their own.

Of course, (f/n) knew that neither of the Moores would see their children again, but she didn't say a word. She would keep his secret, and her wedding ring rested underneath her upper underclothes near her heart. Did she feel bad about telling Emorie to do what he needed to do when he had mentioned killing Hester? Perhaps, a part of her did, but he was going to use her for food, so it was necessary. It was either her or someone else, and she'd be lying if she said that she liked Hester. When it came down to Emorie's meals, she'd rather he kill someone who had harmed him than someone who had treated him kindly.

Yes, she felt bad for Hester's parents, but if they had known the truth of what their children had done and accepted it, they would understand that Jacob and Hester most likely would've been exiled from the village or killed. Since they had killed a knight, they probably would've been brought to the capital for execution. It was possible that Anselm and Aldusa even would've been disappointed in their children and would've sent them off themselves. She didn't know, but Anselm had a high regard for the king and the knights. Aldusa had immense respect for them also, and neither of them probably would've tolerated such a serious crime in their household.

Then again, she was committing similar actions herself, just not directly. She hadn't known about Jacob until he already was dead, but she essentially had approved Hester's death. The thought from before came back. Now, she was approving Jetta's. Not only that but also accepting Emorie lying with her. All of it made her sick, and she glanced over to her parents. Both were fast asleep.

Beforehand, her father had been out searching most nights and wouldn't come back until early in the morning. She couldn't sneak off to her room since her father might come in and spot her talking to Emorie if Emorie had been waiting outside for her. She also couldn't go to Emorie's old house and have her parents wait outside since it was all closed up, but she was thankful that Emorie was alive at least. Tonight, though, she had an opportunity, and she needed to get away and talk to her husband before his conversation with Jetta happened. Yes, she had accepted it before, but she was in no way happy about it. If anything, she wanted to punch Jetta several times over.

First, she had tried to seduce Emorie and create a rift between Emorie and her. Now, she was getting to be with Emorie, and she couldn't. (F/n) clenched her fists around the skirt of her nightgown before she stood up to her feet and grabbed one of her wool coverings. She draped it around her shoulders and stepped quietly into her room. For now, she left the door open and leaned against the wall opposite the window.

Hopefully, he came. She had a feeling that he would continue through with the plan so that she didn't die, but part of her wished to take back her earlier approval as she thought about it more. Barely, she even could look at Jetta. It took all her willpower not to tackle her to the ground and just get in a few good hits. It hurt so much to know that she was giving away her husband and to that base, man-stealing woman.

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