The Choice

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A/N: As usual,  I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"I ..." Already, (f/n) had taken in so much information from his transformation and what it entailed. If she told anyone else what she had accepted, they'd think her mad. Perhaps, she was. Already, she had agreed to accept his need to eat human flesh and that he'd have to kill humans. Jetta would be another one of his victims, but she would die differently from the rest. She wouldn't die because Emorie needed nutrition. No, she would die in place of her.

(F/n) didn't have an issue with raising a child that wasn't of her own blood, but she had trouble stomaching the fact that the child would eat through Jetta. If not Jetta, it would be her since the magic used to bring Emorie back would force him to act out eventually. Her hands clenched around her white, wool skirt. Did she want to die? No, she didn't, but she didn't feel right passing that onto someone else either.

"I don't know," she finally muttered out. (F/n) couldn't look at him; she simply stared at her hands and became lost in her thoughts further. Desperately, she wished that she could come up with another solution. She wished to ask again about the pixies, but Emorie was right. They had put him into an awful position with their prices. Yes, she was overjoyed to have him living again, but if she was to ask for a wish, what price would she receive. For all she knew, the price might not only affect her but Emorie, her parents or even other people.

There was no way of knowing, and that uncertainty already was a high price to pay. But, was it better than her dying, than Jetta being submitted to such a fate regardless of what she had done in the past? If it truly would affect more people than herself, she had to listen to Emorie. She wished that she could determine that information, but the pixies didn't exactly seem like a reliable sort. If anything, they seemed immensely cruel: to give utmost joy and then snatch it away in a most horrendous manner.

With that in mind, she didn't know what other option existed. Another woman could die, but that created the same problem as Jetta. From the sound of things, it was either her or someone else. Sighing, she went to try and speak as he hoped that more words would greet her that time, but Emorie spoke first. "I've made a plan to convince Jetta. I've worked out most of the details. And, I'd come back to you once the baby is born." Almost, he gagged on his own words. They were terrible, and he never thought that he'd be uttering such things, but he had to persuade (f/n) to agree. Otherwise, ... she'd die.

Shaking her head, she finally averted her gaze back to him. "Even if there wasn't a plan, that's not why I'm hesitating, Emorie." Her hands clenched around the wool more. "I don't know if I can agree to this. What you're asking, it's different from before. It's not a necessity."

Before she could utter another word, he cut in and whisper-yelled, "Not a necessity?!" She jumped a little at the anger in his tone, but she noticed that his tone held more hurt than frustration. "(F/n), you're a necessity to me. I want our child to know you. I want even a shred of the future we had planned before this all had happened." His hands wrapped around hers. "Don't you want that too?"

"I do," she answered quietly. "But, I'd be sacrificing Jetta so that I can live. I'd be taking away her future. Even if I don't like her, she doesn't deserve that." She stared down at their hands, and a frown formed on her lips. "What would our son think? That I'm not his birth mother and that I had you sleep with her so that I could live and raise him with you. It just ..."

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