The Stalling

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. Also, I'm updating several days early this week since I'll be on vacation for most of this week and won't have time to upload chapters later in the week. Thank you for understanding, and I hope that you have a good evening/afternoon/morning ^-^!

Closing the door behind her, she glanced over the various boxes. (F/n) wished that she could open them and give Emorie back his possessions. It'd be a pain to move all of them if they had to run in the future, but he always could take some of the smaller items. She sighed, though, since she knew that couldn't happen. Otherwise, the villagers would know that someone had come in and taken his things, and they were on high alert with Jacob missing. If they found out that he was, they'd probably increase security since they didn't know about Emorie's situation either.

Holding onto the surcoat and change of clothes for him, she stepped further into the entrance room before she headed carefully towards his bedroom. None of the lanterns were on yet, so she wished to avoid bumping into something. Only a little bit of light came inside from the moon's beams that shone through the under part of the front door and cracks in the various shutters.

In the bedroom, she placed the items on the table by the window. For a moment, she rested her hands there and leaned on them. Her fingers curled. She didn't have an issue with keeping Emorie's secrets; she already accepted what he had told her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have married him. At the thought, she smiled and took out her wedding ring. (F/n) slipped the fabric item onto her left ring finger, but her smile faded shortly after.

Despite not having an issue on that matter, she did find it hard not confronting Hester about what she had done to Emorie. (F/n) desired to slap her hard across the face and yell out all of her frustrations at the girl, but she couldn't. She had to hold that all in. Thankfully, she didn't have to cross paths with Hester too much, but when she did, she found that she barely could resist clenching her fists and glaring. Even if she hadn't been able to hold herself back, there existed the chance that Hester might've not noticed her since Hester had seemed to be off in her world.

Even today, she had heard that Hester seemed lost and barely responded to anyone. Similar rumors had started and still remained about her and her loss of Emorie. (F/n) had to act how she had been before and seem like she was making a slow recovery in order to keep Emorie's state a secret, but she had him back. A smile graced her lips again, and she pushed aside thoughts about Hester. Tonight was her meeting with him, and she wouldn't let thoughts about Hester spoil it.

Pushing herself off of the table, she headed over to the lantern. From her left pocket, she withdrew the items to light it, and light soon illuminated the room. She placed the items back in her skirt a little bit after, and she almost seated herself on the bed. Just the mattress made from straw and feathers remained on the ground. No coverings were with it. Before she could fully seat herself, though, she heard very light tapping on the backdoor.

Instantly, she rose to her feet and hurried over. As quietly as she could, she opened the door and peeked outside. Within less than a second, she opened the door wider and stepped aside. Emorie smiled and dipped his head in thanks before she closed and locked the door after him. Once she did, she wrapped her arms around him, even before he could turn around to face her. She pressed her face against his back and simply held him for a moment, her heart skipping a beat when his hands gently rested over hers. (F/n) noticed how the blood on him was gone, and only faded stains remained on his clothes. He must've washed before coming over. Even if he hadn't, she still would've embraced him the same.

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