The River

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Off to the right side of her were her leather shoes. Unlike when she was a child, she couldn't go running around barefoot; however, she did take her shoes off when no one else was around. Besides, the soft, pale green grass by the river wouldn't harm her feet. (F/n) could curl her toes in it and let the soothing texture relax her further while she washed the clothes. The task wasn't necessarily the most fun thing in the world, but it gave her a break to be outside and have some time to herself. There were no orders to fill, and there was no rush to be done, though; her parents probably would like her back before the afternoon.

She wasn't complaining about her work, however, since she adored it, but she did need a break from it every now and then. Even the project which she constantly sought to finish, she required a break from, but a smile formed on her lips at the thought of finishing the project in time. A completed surcoat. Maybe one day, she would get to present the item to that knight if he remained alive. That certainly would be a highlight in her life; she just hoped that he would like it.

From her lips, a light sigh parted from her lips at the thought before she grabbed the next piece of clothing. Leaning over by the water, she dipped her nightgown into the cool stream and used the rocks at the base of the stream to scrub the dirt out. A few bluegills swam by through the river, and one almost touched her hand before her hand moved and scared the creature. It swiftly swam off with the rest of the bluegills, and she watched them go downstream.

(F/n) released a quiet giggle at the fish's action before she continued with her work, the cool water feeling nice under the warm light of the sun. She did have a few silver maples providing shade along the riverbank, which helped too with the somewhat hot weather even though it was morning. As she finished her work with the nightgown, she pulled it out and laid it out on a large rock, which wasn't under the shade, by the river. With the current weather, it should dry out within the hour or sooner for that matter.

Before she removed the next item of clothing from the bucket of clothes, she paused. Footsteps hit her ears, and they sounded heavy but also planned as though the individual knew which spot of the ground provided the best footing. Quickly, she looked over her right shoulder, and her brows furrowed in confusion until a look of concern crossed her eyes. The owner of the steps was a man, but she never had seen him in the village before.

He was missing his left arm, but she knew not to underestimate someone just because of such a fact. Cautious, she dipped her right hand into the stream and grabbed one of the rocks before she picked herself up to her feet, ready to run if she needed to. Her right hand gripped the rock tightly, and she felt her heartbeat pick up. Both of her shoes remained off, but she could run barefoot if she had to; she had done it all the time as a child, and she could continue it as an adult.

The man finally stopped his descent down from the hill, and his light blue eyes met her frightened (e/c) optics. His gaze drifted down to her right fist, and he noticed the rock in her hand. Immediately, he lifted up his right hand as sign that he didn't intend to harm her. "Please, I'm not here to hurt you. The blacksmith, Anselm, told me I could find the woman I'm looking for here." Both of his eyes noticed sunlight catch the metal of a pendant around her neck, and he soon spotted the maroon fabric in the glass locket, just like the maroon fabric of his surcoat.

Slightly, her grip on the rock loosened, but she didn't let the rock slip from her fingers either. Her eyes scanned over him, trying to figure out who he was and if he was telling the truth. He did know Jacob's father's name, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try anything. His clothing consisted of a long, dark green tunic with short sleeves, black trousers and black leather boots. A black leather belt was around his waist. Straight, dark black hair went past his shoulders, and his beard, in the same hue, was past his chin.

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