The Knight

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Among the small village, whispers and rumors spread. There often was gossip that would travel between households, but this was a more excitable one. Sarah Baxter, wife of David Baxter, the village baker, was out in the fields tending to the barley, oats, peas and bean plants. Well, that was what she was supposed to be doing, but she currently was leaning on the wooden fence facing the fence of Bennett and Margery Hayward's backyard. Bennett was in charge of repairing fences in the village as well as providing wood. There were a few other men who brought wood in from the surrounding woods, but he was the only one who knew how to build sturdy fences from it.

Margery was leaning on her fence, but she soon hopped over after she made sure that no one was looking, besides Sarah, since the action was rather unladylike. Hurrying over to Sarah, she smiled to her friend and continued the conversation that they were having. "Did you hear that the vacant home is finally going to be occupied?"

Sarah nodded and a pleased gleam crossed her eyes. "Yes, but it's not just any occupant." She grinned a little. "It's a knight, a single knight."

"Are you going to try to marry one of your girls off to him? I heard that due to his service he doesn't pay any taxes to the king. He even was given everything he needed to move out here and support himself." Margery's eyes lit up. "I wonder how much he has."

"Though, there was a rumor that he was crippled in the fight, which is why the king has allowed him to retire from service and live out here, but ..." Sarah trailed off, furrowing her dark blonde brows. "Well, I wonder why he would choose here of all places. It sounds like he could've moved anywhere and received the same tokens from the king."

"Who cares. The important thing is that he's here." She sighed longingly. "This makes me wish that I had a daughter instead of two sons. That way, I could marry her off and see what wealth he has."

Hitting her friend lightly on her upper left arm, Sarah rolled her eyes playfully. "But, both of your boys are strong and taking well after their father. They'll both do well. Besides, I'm not the only one with daughters here. I'm sure other women are thinking the same thing." She gave a light giggle. "The knight's going to be entering a whole different kind of war when he arrives." Margery giggled back and nodded in agreement.

"How old is he? Have you heard? So far, I haven't gathered anything from the other women." She crossed her arms. "But, you are right about the other daughters, in the village, who are of age."

Understanding where her friend was going with her train of thought, Sarah shook his head. "His age won't play a big factor. With what he has, I doubt that many will care. Though if he looks handsome, that certainly will add a nice bonus."

"Which of your daughters do you think might stand a chance?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe, his age will play a factor in which one he would fancy since Carolyn is sixteen and Henrietta twenty. But, Henrietta might be too focused on her daydreams." Sarah sighed in a disapproving manner. "She wants to go off into the capital and meet the elites, which she knows is unrealistic, but she continues to sit on her bed and wonder off in her thoughts. It's hard enough to get her to help with chores around the house."

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