The Inspector

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

When the two of them entered Levonshire, he was on a small break from work. He had a slice of bread, and he was sitting on one of the wooden stools placed just outside of the smithy. Fingers broke off a small piece of the item of food, and he placed it into his mouth, letting the simple taste satisfy his taste buds. Light brown optics gleamed with joy when he noticed how uncomfortable the knight looked. Jetta had done well. Personally, he had been hoping for the knight to be carrying her, but he supposed that the knight was trying to save himself to some degree. Honestly, he should've thought of this sooner.

He placed another piece of the bread into his mouth. It was hard to keep the smirk off of his lips, but his father was still working in the smithy and nearby. Jacob didn't wish to risk his father catching sight of his expression. His eyes, though, scanned the area for (f/n). So far, she wasn't in sight, but she probably was in her home working. The news would travel to her, and she'd come over asking to talk to him. She would begin to rely on him for support, and she slowly would want to be more than just friends with him. Of course, that was the ideal scenario, but he hoped it to become a reality, and he didn't have too much longer to wait to see that possibly occur.

Since he was across the street from the knight and Jetta's homes, he was able to hear bits and pieces of the conversation. As he listened more, he mentally frowned. It definitely wasn't going according to plan. Jetta was failing, and her mother was becoming suspicious of her own daughter. The knight was so honest with what had happened that there was no room for Jetta to spin the incident into something else.

Thankfully, not everyone could hear the conversation as well as he could, and he knew that rumors would form. The knight's reputation would be tarnished. As long as the lies reached (f/n) first, there was a chance that she would turn away from the knight. Nearly, he clenched the piece of bread into a ball from his nerves. He wanted to know her reaction so that he knew what step to take next, so that his hopes wouldn't rise too much and get crushed in the end. Come on. Come on. That phrase repeated over and over again in his head.

Richenda Feldman closed the door after Jetta entered, and the knight headed back to his home. Jacob's eyes widened slightly, though. (F/n), she was hurrying across the main street and towards the knight's home. No. No. No. No! Wildly, he cursed in his mind, and he almost dropped the piece of bread. She reached the knight's home, and he let her in. It closed soon after, and he was tempted to have Hester go spy on them, but it was afternoon. There still was daylight, and she probably was in the backyard doing chores after she had sneaked back onto the property.

This couldn't be worse. The worst case scenario was actually playing out before his eyes! Wait ... Wait, there might be a chance. She might be in there yelling at him and telling him that she never wanted to see him again. (F/n) might not give him a chance to explain himself, and she would distance herself; she might come seek comfort from him instead of the knight.

Managing to keep his left hand from shaking, he placed another piece of bread into his mouth and tried not to look so intently at the knight's home. Why wasn't she coming out? It didn't take that long to yell at someone and abandon them, did it? His break would be over soon, and he wanted to know the result before he went back to work. He wanted to witness it all without being distracted.

Don't make me go to other measures, (f/n). Don't. Those thoughts invaded his mind, and he knew that his next action would have to be more daring. Either that or ... Killing the knight would be a last resort. If he got caught in that act, things would be over for him, and he'd most likely be killed himself before he even managed to capture (f/n) and take her away.

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