The Splash

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Observing his surroundings, Emorie checked to make sure that no one was around. His steps were quiet, and he leaned back and forth between trees to ensure that no one was behind them. He paused in his movements and listened. No sounds but the flowing streams and the noises of small animals greeted his ears. Light blue optics turned upward, and he inspected the canopy of the trees. From his perspective, he couldn't see anyone hiding in any of them, though; Hester remained extraordinarily still as his eyes went past the tree she was in. She didn't even breathe a sigh of relief when his attention drifted back down, but a very quiet breath left her. Thankfully, he didn't notice that, nor did she expect him to.

As for Emorie, he figured that he was being too cautious, but he didn't care in that moment. After eleven years in the war, he couldn't help but check the nearby vicinity to some extent. The last few times that he had come to the particular spot that he was in, he hadn't seen anyone else around, and that seemed to be the case presently as well. Relieved, he stepped back to the stream. Hester smirked. Good, he was finally relaxed.

He undid the black cloth string that held back some of his straight black hair and placed it in his right trouser pocket. His locks fell loosely around his face before his right hand removed his dark green tunic from his torso. Hester would've looked away since she had no interest in his body, but she maintained her gaze on him in case he decided to look back to the tree she was in. If he caught sight of her, the whole plan would be ruined, so she had to be cautious herself.

Thankfully, his back was turned to her, but she could see the toned muscles in his back, which complemented his toned arm muscles. Needless to say, he certainly was fit, and his loose tunic did help to hide that a little, with exception of his partially exposed his right arm. He removed his black leather boots, sword and set them next to his shirt. His beige trousers and underclothes were next, and she noticed that the rest of him was just as sculpted as his upper body.

Admittedly, she understood why he wore baggier clothing. Otherwise, he might have the eligible women literally throwing themselves onto him regardless of whether he wanted that attention or not. Still, she personally thought that her brother always would be more attractive than the knight; (f/n) just needed to notice that, and things would be settled.

Clothes off, he stepped into the cooling water and allowed his muscles to relax as the water cooled them off from the summer's heat. The water went up to his mid-calves. For Jetta, that meant that it went up to about her knees, which still gave her the excuse to slip and flow down the stream. Hester let him continue to relax so as to catch him off guard further and decrease the likelihood of him spotting her release the butterfly.

Giving him a few more minutes, she quietly grabbed the bag with the tawny emperor and prepared to open the cloth item. His back remained turned to her as he splashed water up onto his face and hair. When he splashed more water, she took that opportunity to release the butterfly. With ease and eagerness, it left its captivity and flew off past the tree. Hester stopped her movement again after she diverted her eyes over to where Jetta was.

A noticeable cry echoed throughout the area, and Hester smirked. Immediately, Emorie wiped off any water from his face. The sound of a loud splash followed right after, and he turned in the water to face the north end of the stream. Before he even could check who had made the sound, he saw a form tumbling through the water towards him. It only took him a few moments to reach out his right arm and grab hold of the individual. His balance was lost in the process, however, from the rough impact, and he collided back into the water.

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