Epilogue Part One

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Since the time those shutters swayed back and forth only a little bit, things had calmed down. After Emorie, Jacob, Hester and Jetta all vanished from the village, there had been no more disappearances among the residents of Levonshire. It took a month for the villagers to accept that none of them had been found and that most likely they were far away from the village or dead. Anselm and Aldusa Moore wore smiles for their customers and neighbors after a few months, but they never held the warmth that they used to. Not even a new apprentice for the smithy had been chosen yet, but no one pressured Anselm given his loss. Eventually, he'd have to pick a new apprentice since he wasn't getting younger, and the town required one for their tools and further trade.

The Feldmans were disheartened by their daughter's disappearance, but their three remaining children helped their parents with the loss. Their eldest did so through learning his family's trade while the middle aided his mother with his younger brother. And, the youngest smiled brightly still, being only two and unaware of the tragedy that befell his family, returning some joy into the household.

As for Emorie, people moved on, and the only one who still mourned his loss was (f/n) (l/n), and her parents' support only could do so much. Of course, she was saddened for another reason, but she couldn't relay that to anyone else in the village. It hurt even more when a family moved into his old house. She supposed that she should be happy for the married couple that was starting their future, but she couldn't help but think that should've been Emorie and her. Because of Jacob and Hester's foolishness, though, they had lost that future.

Instead, she had to wait. More than a little over nine months had passed since Jetta had been killed. That meant that it would be nine months for when Emorie had left to head to the capital, and her heart ached over those months terribly. Yes, she was happy to be with her family and have her weaving, but knowing what she did, she found it harder with each day to smile like she had used to. Not even her beloved craft or her parents' reassuring words could break through the sorrow she felt.

At night, she sometimes would hear her parents talk in the kitchen since families had gone back to their usual nightly routines after a month of no more disappearances. They would think her asleep in her room, but she was sitting on her mattress and wishing that Emorie would be able to visit her. That never happened, and she overheard her parents mentioning that she was looking less and less like herself, almost like she was a shadow moving about the house.

Perhaps, she should've talked more and reassured her parents that all was fine, but she couldn't find it in herself to do that. Her last meeting with Emorie maintained her hope that he would return, that she'd finally have her husband back, but those words' reassuring qualities were beginning to fade.

It wasn't until one mid-afternoon where she was returning with the wash from the main river that she felt energy hit her as though her blood finally remembered how to flow through her body. At first, all she could do was stand there. Nearly, the basket of clothes dropped from her hands, but her fingers managed to hold onto it at the last moment. There in the center of town was a crowd of people, and she just could hear what the person in the center was exclaiming. "A monster, something from the depths of h*ll had attacked my friend and I! We had been about thirty minutes from town!"

Instantly, she froze. Now, the basket did drop from her hands. She wasn't the only one who was shocked, but the others were confused and wondering just what the person was talking about. (F/n) knew exactly who they were referring to. "What do you mean a monster?" someone from the crowd asked. The person sounded like Anselm, but she couldn't see from her spot.

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