The Options

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Taking a sip of water, she noted that he seemed hesitant with his next suggestion. She placed the cup back down and made sure to face him fully again. "What is it, Emorie?" she asked as his light blue optics caught her (e/c) orbs. A reassuring smile fell onto her lips. "I'm sure that I won't mind it. You've been so accepting of me. It'd be rude of me not to return the favor."

"Well, I worry that it's too soon."

Now, she felt her body tense a little. It wasn't in a bad way, but she did become a little bit nervous. Almost, she wanted to smack herself for having such ideas. What she needed to do was wait for him to speak and clarify what was on his mind. "Why, what is it?"

"Well if he does make coming to your shutters a common occurrence, which I hope that he doesn't," a worried expression crossed his countenance, "there is the option for you to spend the night here." His right hand reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. Instantly, her cheeks warmed up. "Of course, you would stay in my room, and I could sleep on the floor of my room." Their gazes didn't meet. "I have a spare blanket in my dresser. I can use that."

A sigh parted from his mouth. "That way, you could get a decent sleep. You'll have someone right there to keep you safe if he tries to come here and talk to you." Slowly, he looked over to her again. "You don't have to accept of course. I know that it's only been a little over two weeks since we've formally met and started talking to each other." He gave an apologetic glance to her. "I'm sorry if that was too forward of me." His right hand rubbed the back of his neck again.

Staring to her lap and folding her hands tightly over each other, she shook her head. "I appreciate the offer, but if I do that, my parents would suspect something going on since we're not ..." She trailed off, and her cheeks felt like they were the sun. "Anyway, I probably would tell them about Jacob, and I only want to do that if he does become aggressive with this."

Ready to respond, she cut him off before she paused in apology, but he motioned for her to continue. A grateful smile met her lips before embarrassment took over once more. "I could go ahead and come over for a visit and just happen to fall asleep here, though." Her voice was quiet, and she was uncertain about making such a comment. "But, I wouldn't want to cause you trouble. A misunderstanding might form from that." She met his eyes again, and she felt her heart skip a beat when she noted the softness of his gaze.

"If you do ever fall asleep here with such a circumstance in place, I'll walk you to your house in the morning and explain what happened to your parents. But," he smiled to her softly, "I'll also carry you back home in my arms if that happens if you would prefer."

Heat remained in her cheeks. That still would be embarrassing, but she had to admit that she did like being in his arms. The time where he pulled her off of the stool and onto him entered her mind, and her cheeks somehow grew warmer. He provided so much comfort that her stomach did flips just at the memory of such an occurrence. If she decided to stay, though, she would be sleeping in the same room as him. Emorie would be right there. Even the tips of her ears grew hot at such a mental image.

"(F/n)?" Hearing her name, she looked up and spotted the concerned expression on his face. She sat up a bit straighter and diverted her eyes from him as she realized that she never had answered him. A pleasant chuckle left his lips, and he rested his hand on her left shoulder. "You always can let me know on that day too. You don't have to tell me now."

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now