The Aftermath

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Warmth. She felt incredibly warm prior to other mornings. In her waking mind, she knew that she was sleeping on a mattress and that her head was on a pillow. A sheet was over her partially, probably at about her waist. Her hands gripped fabric that didn't feel like wool. No, it was something of that wrinkled easily. It was a material that she never worked with, but she had seen it before, and her mother had described its texture to her. Wait ... She had felt it before, but it only was on someone specific.

Soon, things began to click in her head again. Linen. The material was linen. Only Emorie had linen clothing in the village since the flax plant was too time-consuming and labor-intensive for her family and other weavers in the village to use. Then, that meant ... Last night ... She had come over for the first night. Heat started to enter her cheeks despite her eyes not even being open entirely.

Her hands gripped the fabric again. Hadn't she fallen asleep with her back to him? That meant that she had moved in her sleep. More heat entered her cheeks, especially when her (e/c) eyes opened even more. Pale rays of morning light peeked through the cracks in the shutters and gave more illumination to the scene before her.

Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, she noted the beige fabric of his shirt. Since her fingers were gripping the fabric, her fingertips felt his muscle beneath the shirt, and she couldn't help but become more embarrassed. Before during their hugs and ... kisses, she had felt his toned body, but this was different. He was asleep, and she was pressed up against him on his bed. They weren't even married! Yes, her parents had given approval due to the situation, but ... but ...

Thank goodness they had their clothes on. Otherwise, she might've sat upright in bed and wrapped the sheets around her as she tried to calm down her heart and mind. Right now, though, she remained somewhat still. The steady fall and rise of his chest indicated that he most likely was still asleep, and she glanced upwards to check. In the process, however, she spotted that some of his chest and black chest hair were on display because of the looseness of his shirt. Heat touched her cheeks again, and her right hand almost was tempted to run along that spot, but she forced herself to resist that urge.

Moving her eyes up more, she noted that both of his eyes were closed. Okay, that was a good sign. "Emorie," she called out quietly, but it was loud enough that he would hear her if he was awake. No response. Phew, another good sign. Before she could relax, however, she felt slight pressure and movement on her waist. She averted her eyes down and saw a bump there under the sheet, which was just over it. It moved again, and it pulled her closer.

Now, her nose was practically touching his exposed chest. She could feel her warm breath against his skin, and she thought that her cheeks might grow alight. No doubt, that was his arm. Her heartbeat increased a little bit, and she just was able to peer upwards, but she couldn't view his face well. (F/n) adjusted her gaze forward once more, but she soon was pressed up against him more due to his arm tightening its hold.

Against his exposed chest were her lips. Her cheeks felt like the sun, and it didn't help that a few of his chest hairs were tickling her skin. Was this going to happen every night she stayed over? She didn't know if her heart could take this. (F/n) tried to push against him, and she managed to create some space, though; she heard a distressed moan from him. The sound made her face stay warm, and her ears were burning now too. It wasn't a pleasurable moan from him, but it still created certain thoughts in her head.

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