The Remedy

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Rushing water echoed throughout the cavern, and cold stone covered the ground. Darkness would've ensnared the entire space if it weren't for a fire glowing in the space off to the left. Many branches were piled up, and flame ate at them. Even then, the area still was quite dark since the fire was farther away from the cavern and closer to the water. There only was enough illumination so that the human could see his surroundings once he awoke and so that the other's eyes wouldn't be burdened by it too much.

Hidden within the cracks in the walls were small silver and blue forms. Blue hands grabbed at the edges of the cracks, and silver eyes watched the scene below as they waited for the human male to wake up. Their creation was none the wiser to their presence. First, they would see one of his wishes fulfilled before they talked with him. Right now, he was in too chaotic of a state to have a decent conversation with. That chaos, though, would provide quite the bit of entertainment for them.

A groan echoed throughout the cave, and the human rolled onto his left side. His eyelids pressed themselves together more, and his brows furrowed. When he began to move more, he winced noticeably and brought his right hand to the back of his head. There, a bump was forming. At least, he wasn't bleeding.

For a moment, however, he couldn't place how he had received the injury and why he wasn't waking up on his bed. His hands felt the cold ground, and his eyes opened more. Barely, he could view the space around him. Dim light came from behind him and allowed him to notice that he was in a cave. He heard water behind him too. Something about this area seemed familiar.

As his mind processed more of what was going on, he felt a horrible feeling in his gut, and his body began to shake as he remembered that thing, no the knight, forcing Hester's head against the pillow. Her body had gone still, but she had been breathing the last time he saw her. Horror snaked through his veins, and he recalled how the knight had charged at him. Everything had gone dark after that.

Listening to the water more, his location also clicked into place. That cave that his father, him and the other men had traveled to ... This had to be that cave. It was the only cave that he knew of in the area, and the false trail of blood had led to here. If that was case and due to the knight being back, the pixies ...

Anger bubbled up within him, and he looked around. He couldn't see any of them in the space, but this had to be their doing. How else could the knight have come back from the dead and turned into something not human? That had to be the explanation. They had tricked him! A growl left his lips, and he slowly picked himself up to his feet.

Annoyingly, there remained no sign of them, though; there were inaudible chuckles and giggles within the rocks. They were so quiet that not even their creation could hear them. Jacob, though, forced himself to take in his surroundings more and try to figure a way out of this. From what he could tell, the knight wasn't with him, if he even could call him a knight anymore. But, it was either that or his name, and he preferred not using the knight's name. Or, he could address him as something else. He wasn't a human anymore after all, not with that appearance of his.

Glancing over himself now, Jacob noted that his sword was gone, which made sense. It didn't make him feel any better about his present predicament, though. Rather, he was struggling not to shake. Maintaining his confidence was incredibly difficult, especially when his mind reminded him of how quickly the knight had moved.

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