The Intruder

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Naturally, she had learned of the knight's arrival. In fact, she had been one of the ones first to see him arrive. Her height did give her an advantage over some of the other women in Levonshire, and she was able to view him above their heads. When she first had seen that he had been missing his left arm, she was a little reluctant to find him attractive, but after she stared longer, she didn't really mind it at all. The rest of him was toned from years of war, and he had a very handsome face. Not to mention that he was tall. Her older brother was tall, but he wasn't as tall, maybe several inches shorter.

Then again, that didn't matter since she wasn't going to be marrying her brother. If she were to marry anyone in town, she only had a few available options currently. One of them was the Moore's son, Jacob, but he seemed too infatuated with the main weaver's daughter, (f/n). For her to draw his interest, it would have to be a miracle. Besides, he only was about three inches taller than her. If she could find a partner taller, that would be preferred. Her other options weren't bad, but they certainly weren't the knight.

One problem existed, though, and that pertained to the fact that the knight, Sir Emorie, also seemed to be interested in (f/n). It was vexing. That woman was more interested in her weaving than marriage and children. Why would he want someone like that? Sure, she had heard (f/n)'s story about how the knight had left her the small piece of his surcoat for her encouragement, but, surely, Sir Emorie wouldn't desire her after he got to know her more and learned of her work schedule.

Yes, that had to be the case. He wouldn't like her for long, and she had to make sure that she was there to take him so that none of the other single village women could. Not only was he attractive but also he was a knight. Being married to a knight in her village was a high honor and unheard of. Certainly, that would mean a level of respect above the others in the village, and she wouldn't mind having that at all.

Leaning more on the wall, Jetta let out a soft sigh as she watched him work. It was quiet enough of a sound that he didn't notice, which allowed her secretly to admire him more. His black hair was pulled back partially, and his gaze was focused on his work at hand. Beads of sweat shone under the sunlight, and some trickled down his skin. She couldn't be happier for the location of her home. How lucky she was to be right next to his. Certainly, that gave her advantage over the other women in the village.

Much to her annoyance, though, she let out a yelp when a chicken pecked at her ankle since she was partially standing on some of the chicken's feed. Jetta moved her right foot, wanting to kick the chicken, but she resisted and turned back to her watching; however, her medium green optics now met the light blue ones of the knight. Nearly, she jumped, but she quickly composed herself and sent him a smile. "Sorry, one of the chickens was getting a little aggressive." She moved out of the way of the bird again and forced back a scowl at the female chicken.

Slightly, a laugh parted from Sir Emorie, and her ears instantly grabbed the sound and stored it for later memory. It was such a soft, soothing sound, and it made her heart skip a delightful beat. "I apologize for my laughter, but that does sound quite amusing." He stood to his feet and brushed his pants off a little bit, but she barely heard him since she was more interested in the fact that he was coming closer to her. Hester was intrigued by the same thing, and the smirk on her lips only was growing.

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