The Uninvited

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Around the windowsill, hands clenched as a form emerged from their spot behind the wall. Nails dug into wood, and a sheathed sword looked very tempting. Even though the door closed, his light brown optics remained on the wooden object. A near growl left his lips, and he wanted to leap out the window and knock on that door himself. More and more, his hands clenched at the wood as if they were strangling skin instead.

Gently, hands rested on his shoulders. They slipped under his beige shirt and rubbed the skin to soothe the near raging male. "Brother ..."

"Don't." His tone was firm and cut through the air like the blade to the left of him. He didn't tell her to remove her hands, though. "That's what she was hiding from me. The loggerhead went ahead and invited her over to his home," his nails chipped some of the wood, "at night."

"It would seem that he didn't take your warning earlier." Her hands slipped from his shoulders before they draped over them, and she leaned her head against his back. "He has no shame." Jacob did growl that time. "Are you going to go over there and get her?"

"No. I told her to keep me updated, and she didn't listen. I'll just annoy her if I go over now." Slowly, his hands relaxed on the wood. "But, tomorrow is terrible. I have work for father all day. He won't give me another day off until Sunday. I can't wait that long."

"Mother has me going to the stream tomorrow to do the wash. Let me help." He smirked and leaned into his sister a little. His silence indicated that he wouldn't mind that. "She'll have weaving, but if I get up early enough, I can catch her in her room."

"That might work. But, she might not trust you with information about that knight. She rarely talks to you as it is." A smirk was on his lips as though he was proud of that aspect of (f/n). "And, bringing her to me won't do much good since I'll be helping father." He groaned a little. "Maybe, I should just take her and run off. It'd be easier. She'd stop resisting after a time."

"That's the last resort, brother. Would you like me to spy on him?" At that, Jacob peered over his right shoulder at her. "I can hide in the trees near his home and watch him. I'll be on wash duty; I'll just be quicker than usual, or get up early again."

"Yes, that would help to know what he's like on his own. I also wish we could seduce him. You can't since he already saw you with me. But, someone else could, like Carolyn Baxter, but she's too respectable to go after a man who's interested in someone else even if her mother asks her to." He pulled away from his sister and closed the shutters, blocking their view of Emorie's house. Jacob tried not to think of what the knight was talking about with (f/n).

Leaning back against them, he crossed his arms over his chest while his sister stood in front of him. "You're assuming that seduction will work on him. He's clearly interested in (f/n)." Jacob frowned heavily, and Hester wished that she could say otherwise, but that was the truth. "But, he might cheat on her. Let me spy on him first. See what he does. I'm sure that some of the other village girls will try to talk to him regardless of his interest in (f/n)."

"I hope that he does, but how will we get (f/n) to believe us?" Hester was about to speak, but Jacob grinned and gave her the signal not to answer. "I'll just have (f/n) spy on him. I'll convince her to do so, and she'll be able to see for herself. Then, she can move on and come to me." His frown returned, though. "But, that's assuming that he does cheat. If he doesn't, I hope that you find something else on him. Otherwise, I might be the one stopping at (f/n)'s window to talk to her, and that might annoy her too."

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