The Five

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Had that been him? If so, why would Jacob run from her? Hester stepped northward a little bit. Maybe, it was his kidnapper. If so ... She froze. Last time, the individual had reached her in the blink of her eyes it had seemed. Then, did that mean that she would be taken now too? Or, was the person going to kill her?

Heartbeat increasing in rate, she cautiously stepped forward again. It was foolish. She was no match for the person, and in her concentration of sneaking past her mother and villagers, she had forgotten to bring her knife with her. Still, the person might lead her to Jacob, and she didn't know how much longer she could last without her older brother.

When her eyes caught hold of movement again, she quickened her steps. Nearer to the trees, she paused and tried to see if she could see anyone between them. No one greeted her sight. Quietly, she called out, "Jacob?" There was no answer. Hester's hands tightened around the skirt of her nightdress, and she took another step forward.

Ahead of her, there was the sound of leaves rustling. She didn't have a lantern with her, but the dim moonlight allowed her some visibility. That was another terrible idea of hers: exploring the woods with no light source other than the moon, especially when her brother had been kidnapped. Bringing a lantern, however, would've risked her discovery. Some of the village men were far out into the northern woods. A couple times, she even had heard them, but she had made sure that her steps were too quiet for them to hear.

Regardless, she couldn't see who, or what, was creating the noise. Taking a step into the woods, she called out again, "Jacob?" Again, there was no answer. Her fingers played with the wool fabric of her skirt out of nervousness. "... Did you take him?" Still, no one replied. Maybe, it was an animal.

Behind her, the rustling occurred again. Swiftly, she spun on her heel, but there was no one there. Her heartbeat increased all the more. She didn't see a monstrous hand, and she really hoped that her father was right in that being part of her imagination. Hester took a step back and leaned against the trunk of some tree; she was too scared to pay attention to what tree it was.

To her right, then her left, she heard the same sound. Was someone, or something, circling her? Intertwining her hands and bringing them up to her chest, she held them there, and she hoped that she just was over thinking things even if that seemed incredibly unlikely.

North of her, though, she heard something drop. Quickly, she peered around the tree and squinted her eyes. Hesitantly, she moved towards the object. All sense of logic was vanishing from her as fear took over, and she grew all the more desperate to find her brother. "Jacob?" she called out softly. As no answer came, she finally saw the outline of the object on the ground.

Getting even nearer to it, she saw what it really was. Her hands covered her mouth, and she took several steps back. Almost, she vomited, and she backed herself against another tree. That thing, it had been ... it had been ... a-a-a heart. Someone's heart was lying on a pile of leaves. She didn't know who that belonged to, but she hoped that it wasn't Jacob. "Help." Instantly, her head snapped up, and she looked around hurriedly.

Someone sounded wounded. The person didn't sound like Jacob, but if he had received enough injuries, his voice might sound a little different from exhaustion. She had to check, especially with that thing lying there on the ground. Speedily, she turned around and followed the direction of the voice. Hester knew that she could be running into a trap, but she couldn't leave her brother if that truly was him. "Help."

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