The Adjustment

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


First Emorie, then Jacob, followed by Hester and lastly Jetta. (F/n) knew that Emorie was alive, and the others were dead and alive. It had been a couple of days since Jetta had gone missing as far as the village was concerned. She tried not to think about what was happening to Jetta, but that was a difficult task since she constantly was reminded of the older woman's disappearance.

As for security, a group of men patrolled every night, and the men within the group would change. Everyone else stayed within their homes. For each home, someone had to be awake at all times during the night and early morning since Jetta had gone missing when her older brother had been in the room with her, but he had been asleep at the time. So far, she had slept and hadn't taken watch duty, but tonight was her first night keeping watch.

(F/n) hoped that Emorie would come and visit her, but she had a feeling that he wouldn't. It was still very early into the plan, and he probably wanted to keep a close eye on Jetta for awhile. Her stomach curled at the thought, and she pressed her knees closer to her chest. No doubt, every night would be a long one due to the awful thoughts that would fill her head. Already, she had them on several occasions, all about how Jetta was taking her husband from her and how she had given approval for her husband to go over to that vile woman.

Touching her forehead to her knees, she permitted a frown to rest on her lips. It didn't help that this whole process might take longer than nine months depending on how easy it was for Jetta to get pregnant. And the longer it took, the more times ... She pushed that thought aside. Yes, it was true, but she didn't want to dwell on that anymore.

Instead, she tried to focus on something else, like the future beyond Jetta. That brought her other worries, however. Even though Emorie had reassured her that their son wouldn't hate her and he'd understand their decision with time, she couldn't help but grow concerned. It was nice having Emorie's assurance, but his words weren't necessarily the reality of the future.

About to fall further into that train of thought, she sat up straight and directed her gaze to her room window. Thinking that she imagined the sound, she waited, and she heard it again: a light tapping sound, like nails on wood. Carefully, she stood up to her feet and walked over to her room, and she hoped that her parents didn't wake up in the process.

Reaching her room, she heard softly, "(F/n)?" Her heart skipped a beat. It was Emorie, and he had arrived much sooner than she had expected. That meant that he was away from Jetta and that he might be able to spend more time with her than they originally had anticipated. She opened her shutters and smiled upon seeing her husband, who had managed to get Jetta's blood out of his shirt enough that the remaining stains weren't noticeable in the darkness. He gave her a small smile back, but it didn't last long, and she noticed the distressed look in his eyes.

Worried, she stepped aside and allowed him within her room. She closed the shutters after and quietly told him that her parents were sleeping in the main room. He nodded and faced her steadily. "You're back sooner than we expected," she commented on the obvious and with a smile, hoping that might make things better, that somehow all of her worries would be alleviated. Instead, it only grew heavier, and she became more concerned. Just what had happened? Then again, she should've expected there to be a heavy atmosphere given the situation and her own thoughts. His thoughts probably were just as grim.

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