The Development

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Door opening before closing, it allowed two people to enter the space beyond it. On the other side, there was the sound of footsteps for awhile before they faded off towards another room in the house. Another door opened and closed, which gave the two individuals the privacy they needed. Shutters were closed, and the lantern wasn't burning. Instead, pale illumination came in through the gaps in the shutters, which was just enough for each person to see the other one.

"Something happened." His tone was displeased and impatient. "I could tell given how you glanced at me at dinner multiple times. Probably, mother and father thought that something was up too. Thankfully, they didn't press you for anything." He leaned his back against the wall next to the door while she nodded her head and stood near to him.

"I couldn't investigate further since I was helping mother prepare dinner. It would've been odd if I just had left, and we can't draw too much, if any at all, suspicion."

"How did you see anything, then?" His tone grew a bit lower, and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Were the shutters open in the kitchen?"

"Yes, they were. I was facing them." A frown fell on her lips as she recounted the event. Why couldn't (f/n) just continue staying away from that knight. It'd make things simpler, and it'd ease her brother's mind. "I just looked up for a second, and I saw (f/n) walk by. I was able to move a little bit around the kitchen table since I dropped a few pieces of carrot and made it look accidental. As I picked them up, I saw her knock on his door and enter a little bit later."

"I'm glad that she didn't go later in the night, but at the same time, I wish that she had. That way, you could spy on them and figure out what they were doing."

"I doubt that (f/n) would do anything ..."

"Don't even mention it. I don't want to think about that happening between them." A near growl left his lips. "If anyone is going to have a child with her, it'll be me."

"But ..."

"I know that a child might not be possible unless I run away with her." He waved his right hand in annoyance. "Just tell me how she looked when she left. You did see her right?" A glare fell over his face, and she nodded, hoping that his expression would relax a little bit. She hated seeing her brother so infuriated, but she couldn't keep the information from him.

"I did as mother and I were almost done with dinner. She looked fine. None of her clothes were messed up or anything, but she was carrying a dead hare in her hands. It seems like he's using them to trade for goods in town."

"Doesn't he have enough clothes already? Why would he need one of her finished works?" He grumbled to himself about the idea. That knight had clothes with darker dyes, and the fabric looked different, probably of better quality. Then again, he'd have to confirm that with (f/n), but he'd rather not talk about the knight's dressing habits with her when he had the chance to talk to her. Regardless, he had better quality and more expensive clothes. There was no need for him to trade with her now.

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