The Fear

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

For the last two weeks, Emorie and she had kept to the schedule they had established after the incident with Jetta. They had breakfast together, went out hunting, went to the same bathing spot and shared the same bedroom. When she wasn't with Emorie, she would be weaving in her home, either for clients or for her project. As for Emorie, he continued to prepare his home to make sure that it would be ready for her to enter it permanently.

Before they went to bed on some evenings, she would go into the makeshift pen for the hares. Some of the females were pregnant, and baby hares would be born most likely within the next week or so. Emorie had been mentioned that he'll be busier during that time for obvious reasons, and she had offered to help if she had the time. (F/n) commented too that she wouldn't mind helping out in the evening either.

There was concern about the room being used for them getting too cramped, but Emorie almost had enough saved to have a pen built by Bennett Hayward, husband to Margery Hayward. It was clear that he was looking forward to giving them a proper home that would have floors of grass and other small plants that grew naturally along the floor of the earth. (F/n), personally, was excited about seeing the baby hares and was happy that they wouldn't be traded for food for some time.

Thankfully during those two weeks, neither Jacob nor Hester had bothered them. (F/n) had seen Jacob glance their way from time to time from the smithy out of the corners of her eyes, but she ignored him. Some part of her felt bad for creating the distance between her childhood friend and her, but she was worried about what he might do to Emorie and her. She didn't want to associate with him when feelings of fear began to develop within her towards him.

If he truly was behind the incident with Jetta, it demonstrated that he no longer respected her wishes. He no longer was that kind, considerate boy from their childhood. Instead, he had turned into a dangerous man, and she hoped that Emorie wouldn't get hurt in the process. He didn't deserve that. No one deserved to get wounded because of Jacob and his lack of respect for others. She just hoped that his father and mother wouldn't get involved too and make things even more complicated than they already were.

Today, though, her mind could be distracted from such thoughts as Emorie and she were going for another bath. It still embarrassed her to be nude around him, but he never once had disrespected her privacy. If anything, she had been closer to seeing him naked. That only had been once, though, and it had been because he had slipped on a rock and made a loud splash. At the time, she nearly had turned around to go and help him. In fact, she was fully facing him, and she realized what she was doing in time to cover her eyes swiftly and apologize.

He hadn't gotten mad at her for her near violation of his privacy. Rather, he had laughed it off and simply had stated that he almost had done the same before when she had slipped the one time. Much to her relief, the both of them weren't slipping in the water frequently, and they had pleasant conversations during their baths. Emorie would relate some of his travels during the war, and she'd talk about life growing up in Levonshire. Sometimes, the topic of children would come up again, and the both of them would discuss potential names that they both took a liking too. So far, they hadn't come to an agreement on a name for their first child, but they were working on negotiations.

Walking hand in hand now, they headed off to their usual spot, and the warm sun was almost refreshing that day since it wasn't too warm. It was getting closer to autumn after all. Her mother and she even had been starting on weaving clothes for the cooler seasons. Still, she would miss the cooling waters since they would be freezing within time. It never was easy bathing during the colder months. Personally, she might opt for a bucket and washing in the house after the water was heated for a bit over a fire. The process took longer, but it meant that she wouldn't be rushing her bath and jumping around like she was walking on fire.

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