The Payback

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Crouching down beside his bleeding out victim, Emorie kept up his grin. The tips of left nails slid across the blood spilling out onto the stone floor, and he watched the human male try to push himself back using his legs. Jacob barely moved at all. "I wonder if killing me was worth it," Emorie hummed out in thought. "You did get to hug (f/n), which I'm pretty angered by, but it sounded like you still had a long way to go. Perhaps, you never would've gotten her to grow an interest in you romantically."

A scowl formed on Jacob's lips. "If you hadn't let your sister stab me, if you hadn't finished me off and if you hadn't attacked me at all, you'd still have a life ahead of you. I'd still be like how I was before." He continued to trail his fingernails in the blood. "You could've moved on and found happiness in someone else, but you just couldn't let go."

Jacob's frown deepened, and he managed to reply, "And, you would've let her go if she had come to me instead?" He barked out a doubtful laugh before he groaned in pain and fell back flat onto the stone.

"Probably not. I would've come up with a different plan, but I didn't need to because my plan worked. Yours didn't. Now," Emorie tapped his fingernails on the stone, "you led me to become something that you can't even hope to defeat." His nails inched closer to Jacob's right leg. "It seems that your plan to get (f/n) betrayed you again."

Before Jacob could respond, nails sliced through the air, and another scream of Jacob's resonated in the cave. More crimson poured out, and Emorie chuckled. "So much blood." He tilted his head to lock his eyes onto Jacob's, which were beginning to close. "I suppose that you're going to be dead very soon. Well," he stood up to his feet, "better get the other one taken care of." His bare feet splashed in the crimson. "I'll deal with the rest of you once you're dead. I'm not that cruel ... Well, actually, I might be." Emorie furrowed his brows. "But, you won't be alive anyway for that part, so lucky you."

Another swift slice happened, but no scream came from Jacob. His eyes were closed, but he still was breathing. Emorie could hear his heart begin to slow down. A smirk graced his lips. Jacob was grateful, though, that he wouldn't have to look up at that wretched knight's face in his last moments; however, he wished that he could glare at the pixies and kill them one by one. The pixies did hear those wishes of his, but they had no desire to execute them for obvious reasons.

Thoughts turning to those of (f/n), he desired to reach her and see her one last time. The pixies refused to grant him even that. No, he didn't deserve such a wish in their minds. Maybe, hold her in his arms one last time. Perhaps, kiss her. As his consciousness faded more, he tried to picture a kiss with her and how her supple lips would feel against his rougher ones.

Such a thought was abruptly ruined when something sliced across his lips, destroying the smile that had been forming on his lips. A scream would've left him if he hadn't been so close to death. Instead, his last breath escaped him, and his heart stopped. Emorie stood up to his full height and smirked. Finally, that nuisance was dead, and the thoughts of torturing and killing Jacob began to settle down before disappearing completely.

As they did, though, other thoughts began to return. Things began to click in his head as everything started to look not so normal anymore. Overwhelmed by the amount of questions and concerns entering his mind, he took a step back. His pale optics glanced over the scene before him. Jacob was a bloody mess, and the apprentice's blood covered him.

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