The Price

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


"I must have a child for that feeling to go away. Otherwise, I might do something I regret." Instead, he had to do something that he despised. Emorie noticed that she was about to reassure him, but he spoke before she could. "And, I do want a child, even children, with you, (f/n), but you'll ..." He hated even having to say it. Her hands gave his another gentle squeeze, and he forced himself to keep his gaze on hers. "You'll ... die."

Gaze softening, she pushed her chair closer. Her knees were touching his, and she smiled up to him comfortingly. "I know that having a child is risky. I know that some have died from childbirth, but I still want to try, Emorie." Heat touched her cheeks, and the warmth in her eyes made his heart clench horribly. Her ignorance of what he meant only made telling her the truth all the harder. It caused him to want to race out of the home and tear the pixies to shreds right then and there.

"That's not what I mean." Confusion entered her (e/c) eyes, and he hung his head. He pulled his hands from hers so that he could clench them around the fabric of his pants. Nearly white locks fell loose around his head and hid his face somewhat. "... You will die (f/n)."His voice got quieter towards the end, and he bit the inside of his left cheek to hold back his anger at the pixies.

Crimson flowed into his mouth, but it didn't taste like anything, probably because it wasn't human blood, which was another courtesy of the pixies. He wanted to taste the strong taste of blood to hold himself together and have it taste how it did beforehand, not like nothing or like food. "... I," she paused, her brows furrowed, "don't understand." Within her tone, there was concern too, but she didn't back away from him. At least, there was that.

Hanging his head lower, he clenched his pants harder. His nails nearly stabbed through. "I had been so foolish, such a dalcop." When he looked up to her, she noticed that tears were beginning to form, and a pit began to form in her stomach, not from him but from what he was about to clarify. "It had been a selfish thought in my last moments." (F/n) reached forward and softly held his hands in hers so that he wouldn't stab himself in the leg accidentally. She gave him an encouraging nod, and he thought that he might crumble at the kindness in her gaze even though he also could see fear present there too. "I had wished you dead so that you wouldn't be alone with Jacob and Hester."

Breaking his gaze with her, he tried to move his hands, but she continued to hold onto them. Slowly, he averted his eyes back to her. Beforehand, honesty had worked with her, and he hoped that it would this time as well. Hiding information from her only would do a disservice to him and his desire to keep her by him. "And the pixies," she spoke slowly and worriedly, "they granted this? They're going to kill me if I have a child with you?"

"No!" he exclaimed quietly so that no one outside would hear them. "But, they tied it into my wish to have a family with you since they deemed it necessary to have me pay a high price for having a child with you." Anger entered his tone, and a heavy frown graced his lips. A tear trickled down his cheek, and hatred burned in his eyes. (F/n) managed to keep herself from tensing, but she was extremely relieved that his rage wasn't directed at her. For a moment, he almost looked like a murderous creature from someone's nightmares. Given what happened to him, some probably would think that on a regular basis, but she would stay by him. She had made that promise to him. Right now, she needed to listen to understand what he was saying better so that she didn't panic even if part of her urged her to do so.

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