The Sighting

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Smoothing out her dark blue skirt, she smiled lightly before she grabbed the cloth bag of seeds from the kitchen's table. Within it, there were a multitude of peas and onion seeds. She looked back behind her and saw her mother still working on her latest weaving task. Her father was out in the back, tending to the crops and sheep, but he probably would come inside soon to work on dinner for them. "I'll be back soon, mother," (f/n) mentioned as she faced away from the table fully.

"Don't rush, (f/n)." She raised a surprised brow as her mother looked up from her work and smiled a little. "You've been working hard these last several days. Spend some time with him if you'd like." Heat touched her cheeks, and she stared down to her feet. Her mother released a very faint laugh. "No need to be embarrassed, (f/n)." The older women stared back to her work. "He's a fine young man, and your expression alone tells me how happy you are when you're with him."

"... Thank you, mother." She continued to stare to her feet. "I'll be leaving, then." Her mother nodded. As soon as (f/n) opened the door and closed it behind her, her mother paused and released a sigh. Hopefully, Jacob wouldn't try to stop her. Perhaps, she was getting paranoid about the blacksmith's son, but there was an uncomfortable atmosphere around him the last time he came. When her husband and she dismissed him due to their daughter working on her project, her stomach tightened into a dreadful knot. Admittedly, she really was beginning to dislike that boy.

(F/n), though, had her mind preoccupied on another matter: the fact that she was going to be visiting Emorie again. That thought, however, was shortly lived when she noted something peculiar. Jetta Feldman was walking out of the village and heading down the path to go into the woods. Never had she seen Jetta go that way before. She usually would head down the path to the river, and that was it. Otherwise, she stayed around her home mostly unless she was sent for trading or wanted to talk to a few of Levonshire's other residents. How odd.

Eventually, (f/n) did remove her gaze from the older woman, and she turned her back to Jetta. Going down the path to Emorie's, a small smile returned to her lips, and she clutched the bag of seeds in her hands tightly. Part of her wanted to skip down the path, but she resisted the urge even though there was no one else on the main path at the moment. It was late afternoon, and people probably were closing up for the day.

Reaching Emorie's, she knocked on the door, and it was louder than the first time she ever had knocked at his door. She was little more confident this time even if her cheeks kept a bit of heat in them. When he didn't respond, though, she furrowed her brows. He must've heard that. Still, she tried again. Once more, he didn't come. Was he in the backyard?

About to turn around and check, she stopped in her tracks as the door opened. "(F/n), I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I was tending to a new project of mine." He stepped to the side. "Please come in." Curious, she nodded slowly and walked into the home while he closed the door behind her.

"A new project? But, don't you still have to finish with your crops." Her tone sounded concerned. "I would think that would be enough work already." He raised a brow, and she instantly dipped her head. "Not to mean that you aren't capable of it. Sorry. I got ahead of myself."

A hand rested on top of her head, and he smiled. "No, you didn't. I appreciate your worry, but I wanted to start something that'll help with trade more even if I don't have to pay a tax." Removing his hand, he chuckled a little. "But, I do think it's amusing that a woman who works just as much is concerned about my wellbeing." Instantly, her cheeks warmed up, and she didn't meet his gaze. "If anything, I should ask about yours." He began to walk away from her. "You're really committed to your craft, aren't you?"

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now