The Days

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

The weekend hadn't been easy. Sunday only was easier since he didn't have to view anything. He could hide away in the woods with his sister in order to try and forget what was going on between those two. That knight and (f/n) had gone off on an afternoon walk since she presumably had finished working on her special project for the time being for the knight earlier that morning. Whatever the case, he was just glad that they had gone into a part of the woods that he didn't desire to bolt off into at that time. Saturday, though, had been the equivalent to that of a nightmare.

He remembered working the smithy the whole day with his father, taking breaks here and there like they usually did. All throughout the day, though, he saw those two together. They left the knight's house in the morning before the knight probably stayed over for breakfast at (f/n)'s home. It didn't help that (f/n) went off hunting with the knight too, only to return back to his place and stay there for a little bit before she went back to her home. At night, the knight came to her home and walked her back to his. It was utterly infuriating, and he couldn't do a thing about it at the moment. Well, he could, but it probably wouldn't end in his favor.

Jacob even had seen Jetta leave her house for a bit with her mother to do trade in the afternoon. When Jetta had seen (f/n) go off with the knight, he easily could view the anger and jealousy in her medium green eyes, but she didn't act either. Instead, she had huffed and turned her head the other way. If only he could do that, but he only could watch the pair together more.

Thankfully, his father hadn't commented on any of his behavior over the course of those two days, but Jacob knew that his father was watching him with a close eye. Even his mother gave Hester and him worried looks now and then. He didn't care, though. If anything, they should be proud that he wasn't rushing across the street and grabbing (f/n) from the knight. Rather, he was restraining himself despite the overwhelming difficulty of the task.

Unfortunately, Monday brought about another terrible day, just like Saturday, yet something made it even worse. When he had glanced up from his work and rolled his shoulders, he brushed back strands of messy light brown locks before he rubbed sweat from his brow so that it wouldn't go into his eyes. After he lowered his right hand back to his side, he froze.

Earlier, the knight had walked over to (f/n)'s home, and he suspected that he was going to take (f/n) again on a small hunting trip. The odd part, though, was that he had none of his hunting gear with him. Instead, he only had his sword strapped to his side. Jacob proceeded to think that the knight was going to ask for lunch now, being the greedy pig that he was. Instead, he now saw (f/n) with the knight, and they were headed off down the path going west of the village.

Just barely, he could see them walking off together. Were they taking an afternoon walk? Did (f/n) finish work early? He furrowed his brows, and he tried to ignore another possibility going through his head. Jacob wanted to call for his sister and ask her to follow them, but she was out with their mother trading goods. Not to mention that if he called for Hester and she went off, his father would notice the whole thing, and his father probably wouldn't let Hester run off.

Mentally groaning, he hoped that it just was a walk. They already were sleeping in the same house, and none of the villagers were questioning what they were doing yet due to what her parents had spread around for why (f/n) was staying the night in the knight's home before marriage. With time, people would doubt that truth, but it only had been a few days so far. Regardless, the fact of the matter was that it was already bad enough that she was sleeping in the knight's home. Now, they were ... Ugh! He didn't want to process that information. No, it was a walk, just a walk.

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