The Leaves

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Finally! At last! Autumn had arrived! There was no more waiting. Since the last week, the air had cooled even more, and villagers already were beginning to wear their articles of clothing for the colder seasons. No doubt, the pixies had to be out now. It was cold, and that was when they came out of hiding or whatever they were doing for the warmer months.

Barely, he could wait for the day to be over and for the evening to begin. Hester was anxious too. He even had seen (f/n) and the knight head into his home while he still was working. They were only getting closer after all, and his time was running out.

When both of them were done for work, he stormed off, making it seem like the sight of (f/n) and the knight had grown too much for him again. To be honest, it had, so it only made his action all the less suspicious in his parents' eyes. They didn't even question Hester following after him. Instead, Anselm sighed and gave his wife, Aldusa, a worried look. She returned the expression before she headed back inside to work on dinner. Most likely, their children wouldn't be back for it.

Neither Jacob nor Hester, though, could care about food at the moment. They had a much more important task to take care of, and it was one that Jacob had waited far too long for. Unfortunately, he couldn't control that too much given the pixies schedule. Of course, he could've tried to consult them earlier, but he didn't want to ruin things. If they had been angered upon him asking for a wish during the warmer months, he might've lost his shot at killing Emorie without any possible traces leading back to him.

Once they were out of the village, they turned right and began to climb up the hills. It was getting dark out earlier due to the time of the year, and the cool night air was leaving more and more of an impact upon them both; however, they wouldn't let that fact deter them from reaching their goal. Thankfully, Hester had brought a lantern out with her since they were venturing farther from the village. Luckily, their parents hadn't questioned that decision of hers. Most likely, they were happy that their children were being safe.

Strapped to his left side, Jacob had his sword with him in case they ran into an animal that thought it would be nice to try and attack them both. Hester even had a kitchen knife strapped around her right leg in case her brother required assistance. As for the moment, though, she made sure to hold the lantern down a little and stay close to her brother.

They avoided any twigs, branches and leaves as best as they could in the growing darkness, but sometimes their feet would land upon the items, creating a crunching sound throughout the nearby area. Admittedly if they were outside simply to enjoy the scenery, Hester would take a moment, or several, to admire the leaves that were beginning to change colors. The yellows, oranges and reds almost looked like flames themselves when the dim light of the lantern sometimes illuminated them.

Off to their right, something scurried across the leaves and twigs. Hester held up the light a little bit more and noticed a fox tail before it vanished from sight. Another quickly ran across her vision, and she soon saw the pair going farther up the hill and to the east of them. After that encounter, they didn't spot any more night critters. Occasionally, though, they would hear something run across the forest floor or fly overhead. Since nothing bothered them, however, they continued about their way, but they continued to be as quiet as they could.

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