The Persuasion

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Upon the door opening, (m/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened as she gazed upon her daughter. "Thank goodness, you're alright!" she exclaimed as she rushed forward and wrapped her arms tightly around the younger woman. (F/n) was pressed securely into her mother, and she smiled a little at the action, but she wished that she could've brought Emorie with her. She needed to keep him a secret, though, and she'd need to act like he was ... still gone. It wouldn't be easy, but she knew that it was too risky to reveal him to her parents. Even the fabric ring that had been on her left ring finger was hidden.

Before she had knocked on her parents' door, she had tucked it away into her upper underclothes. That way, it would remain close to her heart, and no one would see it there. Of course, she could've untied the ring and just held onto a string of fabric, but her parents might find that odd. Not to mention that she didn't wish to untie it; she wished to keep it intact since it meant so much to her. Emorie had tied that knot for her, and she didn't want to ruin that.

"Where were you?!" Her mother's question snapped her out of her thoughts, and she felt her mother pull away from her to scan her over. The older woman noted the torn part of the nightgown and saw the remaining tear stains on her daughter's face. (M/n) furrowed her brows. "(F/n), what happened?" Concern was in her voice, and (f/n) wore a pained smile in response. It was genuine since she wished she could tell her mother the truth.

"I thought that I saw ... him." She averted her eyes from her mother. "I know that I shouldn't have run off like that, but I thought ... I thought ..." Taking a deep breath in and exhaling, (f/n) continued to wear the pained smile. "I didn't want to lose any chance." Her mother was about to speak, but she cut her off, and she locked her gaze with her mother's. "I know that it was foolish and dangerous. I know that Jacob's missing now too." Well, he was dead, but she'd keep that a secret too for Emorie's sake. "But, I had to try." (F/n)'s voice grew more desperate, and she used the fact that Emorie really had died before to strengthen that quality.

On her mother's lip, a soft frown formed, and pity was in her optics. "(F/n)," she rested her hands on her daughter's shoulders, "I can't imagine the pain you're going through, but that doesn't mean you should run off and be reckless. Something could've happened to you." She squeezed her daughter's shoulders. "Emorie wouldn't want to see you die because of him."

Sighing, (f/n) nodded. "I know, mother. I'm sorry." She gave a small, reassuring smile to her mother, who stepped aside and led her daughter inside.

"Right, well, let's warm you up. Your father will be relieved to see you when he gets back." (M/n) closed the door and was about to lock it before knocking was heard. (F/n) and her mother shared a puzzled look since neither had expected (d/n) to be back that instant, especially (m/n). She knew that he had gone deeper into the woods to search for Anselm and Aldusa's son.

Carefully, (m/n) cracked the door open. With everything going on, she didn't just assume that it was one of the villagers coming to check on her since she had stayed in the house in case (f/n) had returned. Luckily, her daughter had come back. When (m/n) saw who it was, she relaxed a little bit and opened the door wider. Around her mother, (f/n) noticed that it was Aldusa and Hester. Almost, (f/n) clenched her fists and glared at Jacob's sister. Somehow, she managed to keep a neutral expression, but she did smile a little bit when Aldusa made eye contact with her and sighed in relief.

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